Page 33 of The Vampire Queen

“Oh, you poor dear. Please come in. Let me put on the kettle,” Remy swept the door open wide. He radiated understanding, so Luca knew he’d come to the right place. The tightness in Helena’s shoulders relaxed the moment he got within five feet of her. Remy was proving to be indispensable and capable of handling any situation the king sprung on him.

After they got Helena settled in a comfortable chair with a cup of tea, Luca let her know what he planned to do. The very least she deserved was information. “I will grant your request to work in my personal court now, and I guarantee you a place serving the royal family. Remy, please inform the others of the situation and inquire about their current staffing needs. If there are no positions open, create a new one. Helena, you will be safe here.”

Tears streamed down the woman’s cheeks. “Thank you, my king. Thank you so much.”

“You are welcome. I am sorry you’ve had to endure for this long. Before I go, Remy, I need you to work with Helena to put together a list of the servants in Duke Liam’s house. Were you the only one he…” Luca’s voice trailed off since he was unsure of how to describe the treatment she’d received.

Helena shook her head. “No. There were several of us, males and females. And age is not a factor, if you understand my meaning, Sire.”

What a despicable excuse for a ruler Duke Liam had turned out to be. Exile was too good for him. The man needed to die. He’d seen enough in Helena’s memories to condemn the duke to death without losing a moment’s sleep. When he growled in rage, the air around him felt charged with electricity. “Remy, when you two are finished, get Ivanna to help you gather everyone who was in the service of former Duke Liam somewhere safe. Send envoys to his home to inform them of his death and offer them the resources they need to recover from his tyranny.”

Remy nodded. “I’ll see to it straight away, and I’ll protect them with my life, Sire.”

Her eyes were wide with shock. “You’re going to kill him?”

“I am. I have no stomach for torture. He will meet a far easier end than he deserves, but this day is his last. We have no place for monsters in our empire.”

Several emotions flashed in her eyes before Helena nodded. “Thank you.”

“Please don’t thank me. I am ashamed that I did not stop this. Do you know of any other houses with this level of abuse? Is anyone else in immediate danger?”

“Not since Nikoli’s death. I do know some who need help, but I don’t know the extent. We have been afraid to talk, even to each other. This is not your fault, Sire. Those who served during your childhood know gilded chains bind just as tightly.” She straightened her shoulders and beamed. “It is good to have a king worth following.”

Luca left Helena in Remy’s capable care and pulled out his phone to call Viktorija. After she answered, he summarized the situation and told her what he needed her to do. Then he located his cousin Niletean. Luca could no longer stomach the idea of letting anything come between himself and his family since few were left. Niletean might be an ass, but he was a loyal and capable one.

“I need your help righting a terrible wrong,” Luca explained. “Duke Liam is going to be executed for crimes against the former slaves in his care. Even if his litany of offenses wasn’t so long, he hurt children. We don’t need men like him in the empire.”

Niletean nodded. “Let’s go. And cousin? I’m proud of you. Your mother told us it would all be worth it all these years. I’ve been a dick in the past, but I was wrong. You’re the king we need, Luca, and I’m grateful to serve at your side.”

Luca accepted the words with genuine affection. “Thank you. I guess you’re not such an ass after all. I was just thinking that it was time to bury the past and start fresh.”

Niletean extended his hand, and Luca shook it. “Okay. How do you want to do this?”

They went to the duke’s chambers, where they found the man lounging in his underwear while he berated one of his servants. “Get up, you pathetic piece of trash,” Luca snarled.

“What is the meaning of this?” the duke sputtered, furious at the invasion.

Luca turned to the servant, who cowered in the corner. “Are you okay?”

The girl, who was no more than twelve, nodded mutely. Luca ushered her out to the hall, where Ivanna waited. He entrusted the girl to her and returned.

“What is the purpose of this violation?” Duke Liam demanded. “This is illegal. I have done nothing wrong!”

“How dare you!” Luca roared, voicing his fury. “You have been abusing people for so long that it must feel normal to you. However, there’s a new king on the throne, and I make the laws.”

Duke Liam spat on the floor at Luca’s feet. “You haven’t been in that seat but five minutes, and you already sound just like your father.”

“Nikoli was a monster who would have praised your cruelty and depravity. I will punish you and protect my people as he should have. Liam Wedell, you are charged with countless acts of torture and abuse. You may prove your innocence by allowing me access to your mind. Otherwise, I will proceed with sentencing.” Luca’s voice was ice-cold now.

Liam paled. “You…you can’t do this.”

Luca offered him a satisfied smile. “I can, and I will. Do you want to refute the charges and clear your name? If you demand a trial, I will present the children you’ve harmed and wipe you from our history. I don’t want to shame your family for the misfortune of being related to you.”

“Fuck you,” Liam snarled.

Niletean punched the duke, knocking him to the floor. “I think you meant to say, ‘Long live the king.’ Five minutes on the throne, and he’s already abolished slavery and removed a sick bastard like you from power. I think he’s off to a fantastic start.”

“For your crimes, you are sentenced to death, Liam. Make your peace with the gods, if any of them will listen. You won’t survive the night. Niletean, take him.”