Page 25 of The Vampire Queen

Uuka shook his head. “You are a queen. Consort to the high king of the Therians and the queen of a new race of vampires. The base magic is the same, but your core is light, where she was turned in the darkness.

“When you create children, they will not be as Nadya’s are. It is a wondrous thing to behold the creation of a new race. To see something that has been dark, twisted, and evil for so long morph into something else. I will drop the title because you request it, but I refuse to see you as anything other than a queen twice over since you will lead two races.”

Ash didn’t know what to say. That was not new information, but hearing him put it that way made it click in her mind, and she got another glimpse of the big picture.

She fought her rising insecurities and focused on the goal. She and Luca could end five thousand years of war and unite the supernatural world while it was exposed to humanity. Thinking about a world in which the hidden was no longer obscured and all peoples worked in harmony filled her with hope. There would always be evil, but they had a chance to eliminate a substantial source of it.

“Thank you, Uuka. That actually helps a lot. I know I’ve said it a couple of times since we arrived, but I don’t have words to express my gratitude to you for protecting our parents. Dani and I would be lost without them.”

Uuka smiled proudly. “It has been my great honor. My prowl was leery about venturing so far from home and into the human world at first, but they are all dedicated to the mission now and willing to sacrifice their lives to protect your parents. I think your mother’s baking has something to do with that.”

“Will you tell me about your homeland?” Ash asked.

“I would be happy to. My people come from Kenya. Our clan has an expansive village in the forest in an isolated part of the land that is nearly impossible for humans to reach. It is beautiful there, but it is not an easy place to live. The Therian clans there were not integrated with the humans, and watching the rampant poverty and suffering is soul-crushing. The king has promised us changes that will shift the paradigm and allow us to help humans in a way Therians haven’t for thousands of years.”

Ash nodded. “He wants you to be guardians, not gods.”

“We have technologies and magic to share that would relieve many problems, and with the eventual freedom to expose what we are, life on this planet will never be the same.”

“It’s going to get a lot worse before it gets better, but humans are adaptable, and they will adjust. Bringing massive benefits to the table won’t hurt,” Ash said. “We can either stand united or fall into pieces.”

An overwhelming desire for justice and peace washed over her, filling Ash with purpose and inspiring her to accept her multiple roles in this new world. She wanted to be part of making it happen.

Uuka smiled. “I believe you’re right, and the end result will be glorious.”

Ash sighed and sat on the picnic table in the middle of the yard. “It’s nice to think that the terrible shit will lead to people having much better lives.”

“You have been through many horrible experiences, but that allowed you to come through the change to vampire with your humanity intact. Those things were hard to endure, but they made you stronger, and I believe that strength will let you do great things.”

Ash smiled, comforted by Uuka’s kindness. “Thank you. That means a lot.”

He shrugged and gave her a mischievous grin. “I felt you could use the boost. Your mother shared some of that pizza. It was amazing.”

Ash chuckled. “You’re an ass.”

He nodded. “True.”

Ash opened her mouth to respond but caught a familiar scent that hadn’t been there a moment ago. She stiffened, and Uuka went on alert. “Do you smell that?”

He shook his head. “I don’t smell anything that wasn’t there five minutes ago.”

She took a deep breath and pointed in the direction the scent came from. “I don’t have any clue about distance, but they’re that way. Two dragons…and two vampires.”

He stood and extended his senses. “I can’t smell them, but I feel them at the edge of my senses.”

Uuka cupped his hands around his mouth and made a sound that was distinctly non-human. Within seconds, other members of his prowl appeared, ready for action.

“What’s going on?” his second in command and younger sister Chuki asked. Her athletic body was tense and her almond-shaped amber eyes were alert.

“Two vampires and two dragons are approaching. I can’t smell them due to either distance or magic, but Ash did,” Uuka reported.

Ash counted panthers. They were missing one, and her eyes narrowed as she turned to Uuka. “The scents are getting closer fast and heading straight for us. Tell me, how much do you trust me?”

Uuka’s face darkened. “Your tone hints at deception. Do you believe we are involved in this?”

She shrugged. “I don’t know, but something isn’t right. I trust the only people who knew we were here beyond a shadow of a doubt. I mean no offense to you or your people, Uuka, but enemies are coming here, and one of you is missing.”

As Uuka counted his warriors, Chuki noted, “Abuya is gone. You don’t think…”