Page 24 of The Vampire Queen

Ivanna fell silent, and Luca gave her the time she needed to sort through her thoughts. She opened her mouth to speak several times, only to close it again.

“What are you struggling with?” he asked. “You know you can tell me anything.”

She took a deep breath to steady herself. “You know Nadya held me captive for decades while her minions conducted all sorts of experiments on me.”

Luca nodded. “I remember.”

“Nadya used her blood on me in the final experiment, and it unlocked something within me. I still don’t have words to describe it. I lost the vampire abilities within days, but I am nearly invincible now.”

“That is an incredible asset.”

Ivanna shook her head. “My abilities have changed. I am far more powerful than I used to be, and I heal faster than most dragons, but the fight with Nikoli’s men proved that I am not wholly invincible. I think sustained healing weakens its effectiveness for a few days.”

Luca looked concerned. “Have you not healed from your injuries?”

She waved away his concern. “I’m fine. I just wanted you to know so you can plan your strategy for the next battle accordingly. There will come a time when you need to factor that ability into a plan’s success, so you need to know that my enhanced healing isn’t guaranteed.”

Luca paled. “I don’t want to think about a situation where you taking massive injuries is our only chance for success. With you acting as my emissary to the disenfranchised Therians, I can’t imagine we will face another battle so soon.”

His smile was as charming as she remembered, though it no longer made her heart race. In some ways, he was still as naïve as the young prince who’d promised to set her free.

“We shall see, Your Majesty. The vampires won’t remain inactive for long.”


The Mosiers’ Home, Enfield, New York, Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Well past midnight, Ash sat alone on the couch, flipping through the channels while the rest of her family slept. She’d tried to call Luca, but he’d been tied up in meetings and wouldn’t be free to talk for a while. She sighed, wishing someone else was awake.

Vampires could sleep, but even with Eiko’s sun protection rings, she went through what Dani called her “daily deadness” during daylight hours. The tiny witch’s promise of a permanent solution that would put her on the same living schedule as everyone she loved gave her hope. What she was wouldn’t isolate her forever.

Her mother had made pizza for dinner. It was one of Ash’s favorites, and the smell lingered in the air, increasing her agitation. She’d tried a piece of pepperoni to see how her body tolerated solid food, but it had been awful. It hadn’t tasted rancid, but it was wrong. Bland and tasteless, she’d spat it out and fought tears at yet another reminder of how different she now was.

Needing a break from the scent, Ash went out to the back porch and Harley followed a few moments later. Uuka was patrolling the backyard.

“Everything okay?” he asked quietly from across the large yard.

She heard him perfectly. “Yes. Just needed some air.”

Uuka joined her on the porch, relaxing in a seat and watching her. Harley sat next to him and laid her head on his knee so he would scratch her ears. The dog had no issues with the panthers. “Are you sure you’re all right? You seem restless.”

Ash opened her mouth to tell him she was fine but didn’t want to lie. “I… No, not really. It’s a lot to handle in a very short time. It’s a stupid human thing, but food tastes like soggy cardboard now, and the scents are intense. I thought I knew what I was giving up when I became a vampire, but I didn’t.”

Uuka smiled. His teeth were white in his dark face, and he had a knowing expression in his eyes. “It is difficult when your world shifts on its axis and you must find a new baseline for normal.”

Ash laughed. “Normal? With vampires, dragons, witches, and all this shit?”

He nodded. “That is exactly what I mean. Diving into the hidden world must have been a shock. I can’t relate since I was born into it, but I can empathize with your experience. Change is rarely easy, especially on this scale, but you will adjust.”

Ash stood up and paced across the yard, unable to sit still. “I know that logically, but my life feels so out of control right now. I’m sorry for dumping this on you, but you’ve been in my head. It saves a lot of explaining.”

Uuka chuckled. “I am happy to be of service, Your Majesty.”

Ash froze in her tracks. “Why did you call me that?”

Uuka grinned. “Because you are the high king’s mate. All that’s left is the paperwork. I prefer to behave as if you are already my queen.”

She sighed. “Fine. I won’t argue that, but can we please drop the titles? I haven’t earned anything, and it feels weird. I’m just Ash.”