Page 97 of Fangs and Fudge

I didn’t say anything, but I wondered if Cross would even want to stay in the D.C. area if the wolves knew his name and his kind was after him. He’d said he’d run once because of the ring. If Shepard helped him establish his identity in the modern world, wouldn’t it be smarter for Cross to hide again?

“You’re very quiet, Everly,” Shepard said.

“It’s not me you need to worry about when things get quiet. It’s Vena.”

“That’s true,” Vena said from the backseat as he parked in front of our house.

“Would you mind giving Everly and me a moment?”

“We don’t need a moment,” I said. “I’m not angry or thralled or planning my next escape. I’m tired and wondering what wrench life is going to throw at us next.”

His expression softened. “I’m sorry I haven’t done a better job protecting you.”

“You’ve done a great job, Shepard. I’m sorry I haven’t done a better job avoiding trouble.”

“Same,” Vena said from the backseat.

Shepard nodded and reached for his door. I took that as a sign we were good and got out.

As the three of us walked to the house, I was already imagining changing into my cooking clothes and experimenting in the kitchen. I had my stuff tossed to the couch and was in my bedroom before either of them could say a word to me. Vena took it as an opportunity to warn Shepard, though. I could hear her through the closed door.

“You’re pushing her too hard about the strip search. I get why, though. My sister from another mister is hot and doesn’t know it. Makes all the guys want to see her naked.”

I opened my mouth to tell her to cut it out.

“I’m not some creep looking for a show, Vena,” Shepard said. “You saw how he was with her. You saw his eyes flash black with hunger. Do you really think he hasn’t bitten her?”

“I really think he hasn’t. But if you’re worried, I’ll strip for you to prove I’m not under any influence, and then, once you trust me, I’ll ask her to strip for me. Does that work for you?”

Shepard said something I couldn’t hear.

“That’s what I thought. When you want to go down that path, let me know. Otherwise, stop treating her like she’s done something wrong. She hasn’t.”

Finished changing, I opened the door and joined them.

“Actually, I have. I know I broke your trust with what we did today, Shepard, and I’m truly sorry. You were just being so stubborn about listening, and Anchor–”

I glanced at Vena.

She nodded sadly. “And Anchor’s been gone five days already, and you’re worried about me doing something even dumber than asking a vampire for help?”

I nodded.

Shepard rubbed a hand over his face, looked down at the floor for a moment, then met my gaze.

“I’ll do better from now on with the listening. Okay?”

“Thank you.” I went to the kitchen and took out my notebook from one of the cupboards.

“What are you up to?” he asked, watching me.

“Stress baking,” Vena said from the living room. I heard the opening credits to The Other House and the rustle of paper. Likely she was settling in to read some kind of paranormal book while we both enjoyed the background noise from our favorite show.

“Are you stressed, Everly?” Shepard asked, leaning against the counter as he watched me move around.

“How can I not be? I woke a vampire–thankfully a nice one–, Miles was kidnapped, and Vena and I almost died in the process and seem to have started a war between werewolves and the vampires. Gunther was hurt because of it, and Anchor’s missing. And I’m doing things I don’t want to do in the name of trying to keep the people I care about safe.”

He moved as quickly as Cross, blurring in front of me. It took a second to register I was in his arms with his jaw pressed against my temple.