Then Cross ordered for all of us. Even Shepard. For a change, Shepard didn’t react.
Once the server left, Cross considered Shepard before continuing.
“I arrived at the club in time to protect Vena and Everly and heard one of the leaders admit they knew nothing of Anchor. But the damage had already been done.”
“I’d hardly call figuring out you have a thing for Everly damage,” Vena said. “They already knew that. Why else would they have sent a feeder doppelganger to our house?”
I kicked Vena under the table, and she flushed. “Well, Cross seems to be in a reveal-all mood anyway,” she defended.
“They knew I was interested. They were testing how much I care,” Cross said without looking away from Shepard. “They were watching your people closely before that, though. One of the vampires has the ability to shift into a black cat. His scent was all over the crime scene for one of your recently abused pack members. I believe the cat was seen leaving the hotel on surveillance footage as well. The same cat has already visited Everly’s home.”
“I am so glad you didn’t let me feed it,” I said, remembering the incident. “It was at Juicy and Blur, too.”
Shepard scrubbed a hand over his face and sat up straighter. His gaze dipped to Cross’ hands again. “So you believe your people are going to use Everly to get to you?”
“Not my people. Others of my kind. And if they can’t use Everly, they’ll use Vena to get to Everly to get to me.”
Shepard looked at Cross’ hands for a third time. Or, more specifically, his ring.
“Why do you keep looking at his ring?” Vena asked, noticing the same thing I had.
“It’s how he’s able to walk in the sun,” Shepard said. “And the reason he’s so determined to win you over, Everly. His people didn’t find out how much you mean to him. They found out how much you mean to me. He’s been using you to get to me.”
Cross snarled softly and leaned toward Shepard. “You continue to delude yourself, my friend. Why would I need to get close to you? Are you in some way important to me? You are not. I wasn’t yet awake when Sierra was told to gather information on the werewolves in your club. It seems someone knows of your importance and likely knows Everly’s connection to you as well.”
Shepard swore under his breath.
“What’s going on? What aren’t you saying?” I asked.
Neither answered, and Cross settled back in his chair.
“Talk or we walk,” Vena said. “No tracking app. No phone calls.”
Both Shepard and Cross looked equally not okay with that. Cross spoke first.
“Long ago, another of my kind was very interested in the power my ring possessed. I left my homeland to escape her and slept, hidden for centuries before I was forced back into the world.”
I felt a smidge of guilt for my part in that forcing.
“My ring cannot fall into the hands of any of my kind.” Cross’ gaze locked with Shepard’s. “You know I speak the truth. Now ask yourself why my kind would cut ties with a supporter and try to find my weakness.”
He tapped his ring.
“It’s a powerplay,” Cross said. “They know what you have, Shepard, and they’ll be coming for it. And once they have what they want, they’ll move on to bigger game.”
“Shit,” Vena breathed. “You have that kind of ring, too, don’t you?”
Shepard’s whole face twitched.
“We need to work together to stop them,” Cross said.
Shepard barked a laugh. “Together? Not in this lifetime.”
Cross placed a hand over his heart in mock injury. “I thought we had something special after I marked your backside.”
Vena’s laughter rang out through the restaurant as Shepard scowled hard.
“Less attention drawn, please,” Cross said softly.