Vena: So you’re okay with what happened to Gunther happening to Anchor day after day after day just to what? Protect your moral standards.
Me: Don’t make me question why we’re still friends.
Vena: I’m not being mean. I’m pointing out the truth. What wouldn’t you do if it were me, Ev? Why is Anchor any different?
I sat on the edge of my bed and considered her reply. When it came to Vena, there was very little I wouldn’t do to save her.
Me: If we do this, we do it my way, not yours.
Vena: I will follow your lead. I promise.
Cross couldn’t go to Sierra. At least, not while she was being watched by Shepard’s people. And after the way Shepard flew out the window after Cross this morning, I knew it was pointless to ask Shepard if Cross could talk to her. That meant Vena’s method was the only option. However, kidnapping Sierra from the compound wouldn’t be easy. We’d need help.
MC would do anything to make himself look better in Vena’s eyes, but I didn’t trust him not to call in an IOU later. That only left one other person as an option.
I switched to the group chat with Vena and Cross.
Me: Vena and I have an idea about how to find Anchor. But it may cause Shepard to dislike you even more.
Cross: I snapped him with his own towel this morning and forced him to return to Vena’s parents’ home without any clothing. I doubt what you have in mind will be worse than that.
I stared at my phone with a growing smile, recalling that welt on Shepard’s ass.
Vena: Cross, you are my new favorite person. I’m hitting the property search now and promise not to stop until I find you something.
Me: Vena and I want to liberate Sierra from Shepard’s home so you can question her without interruption regarding her vampire connections. Are you willing?
Cross: When it comes to you, I’m always willing.
Vena’s mad cackle echoed through my closed door.
Me: I have a plan on how to get her. We can’t bring her to my house, though.
Cross: I know a place. Text me when you have her, and I will provide the address.
Me: Thank you.
Vena: Thank you! *heart emoji* *kiss emoji*
Doc knocked on my door.
“Come in.”
He poked his head in, and his gaze flicked to the phone in my hand.
“I’m glad you’re awake. Do I want to know what’s going on that she laughed like that?”
I crossed my arms and shook my head like I was disappointed.
“Probably not, but I’m going to tell you anyway because I don’t believe in suffering alone. I’m not sure if Shepard explained what happened this morning, but he lost all of his clothes and had to walk into her parents’ house completely naked. Vena saw everything.”
Doc cringed a little.
“Yep, and she’s not going to let it go. Her curiosity is piqued. And since she stayed put while I recharged, I agreed to take a field trip. Any guesses where?”
Doc shook his head slightly, and I could see the dread in his gaze.