When it looked like Vena would dig in her heels, I added, “Do you really want to leave MC here to ask your parents all about you?”
She stomped her foot in a show of annoyance but gave a nod. “Fine.”
Vena’s mom coaxed us into staying for breakfast while we waited. We grudgingly went to the dining room since the kitchen table wouldn’t accommodate so many people and claimed our seats from the night before, with Vena sitting beside Miles.
Miles took the books out of the bag he’d packed and began flipping through the pages. Since Mr. Hunter was reading the book he’d brought, Vena and I waited in silence while Mrs. Hunter finished breakfast in the kitchen.
Vena kept looking at her watch. Ten minutes. Then twenty passed. I knew she was wondering what was taking her mom so long, but I was starting to worry about Shepard. How long had it taken me to look Miles in the eyes after he’d burst into the bathroom to rescue me from a fairy all those years ago? At least a month.
I was about to text Shepard when he and MC arrived. Neither seemed to be in a good mood. Shepard glanced at Mr. Hunter before his gaze swept over me as he took his seat. I saw the way his nose twitched and knew he smelled Cross.
Mr. Hunter set his book aside and leaned back in his chair.
“I’ve played some pranks in my day. A few of them have resulted in the same undress as you were this morning. But, there’s a time and place, boys. Make sure you’re in a more secluded place next time. And not in front of my daughter. Or my wife.”
“Yes, sir,” Shepard said quickly.
“We understand,” MC said a beat later. “It won’t ever happen again.”
I glanced at Vena. She studied her fingernails, avoiding MC as he leaned forward around Miles to look at her.
“Vena, if you have a moment, I’d like to apologize. Can we–”
“I’ll go help my mom.” Vena nearly sprinted from her chair.
“I can help,” MC said as he rose from the chair.
“Stay!” Vena snapped.
He slowly sunk back onto the chair. Shepard and I both scowled at him.
Thankfully, Vena and her mom had breakfast on the table in ten minutes. Mrs. Hunter was her usual conversational self, asking Shepard and MC all sorts of questions. I could feel Vena’s anger escalating. Tense, I barely ate anything.
As soon as Mr. Hunter finished, I picked up my plate. Vena took my cue and quickly grabbed her father’s plate to take to the kitchen with me.
“You’ve got this,” I said quietly. “Just a few more minutes, and we’ll be on the road. And when we get home, we can take a morning nap. Doesn’t that sound nice?”
She made a face at me.
“You just don’t want me stabbing anyone.”
When we returned to the dining room, Shepard and MC were helping Mr. and Mrs. Hunter clear the rest of the table.
“We’ll help with dishes next time, Mom,” Vena said. “Love you both, but we need to go.” She nudged Miles, who was still engrossed in his book, hard. “Get up, Miles, or walk home.”
“Chill, Vena. What’s the hurry?” Even as he complained, he closed his book and stood.
Everyone made their way to the door, and Vena and Miles said their goodbyes while Shepard and MC stepped outside. MC headed toward his truck. I didn’t miss the scowl he shot Shepard when he saw he wasn’t joining MC and instead leaned against Vena’s car.
I gave Mrs. Hunter a quick hug, promised to keep her updated on Vena’s love life, then hurried after my friend.
Vena hopped into the car and started the engine before Miles could get in.
“I will leave you here,” she warned.
He rolled his eyes but sat in the backseat with Shepard while I got into the front seat before she threatened to ditch me as well.