Page 80 of Fangs and Fudge

MC reached out like he was going to touch her. The big idiot obviously didn’t like his fingers.

“You should leave,” I said softly.

He dropped his hand to his side, nodded, and looked at Vena.

“Think about what I said.”

Then he left.

“I really hope that whole bottle is mine,” she said.

I held it out to her. “What happened?”

“Massive Creep decided to march his ass in here and try to kiss me. After I punched the Moronic Cunt in the mouth, he had the balls to tell me I needed to let go of Anchor. That he was a better wolf. That he wouldn’t try to hold me back from anything I wanted to do. As if Anchor ever did. Major Callous. Mega Cold-blooded. Muff Cream.”

She tipped the bottle back and started gulping.

I quickly closed the door, knowing he must have heard her. Hopefully, he would get the hint that Vena’s heart was already taken and her brutal words would be enough for him to back down. But I had my doubts. After all, he hadn’t backed down from Shepard. Not really.

Escorting Vena as she continued to tip the bottle to her lips, I settled her onto the bed and set the flashlight on the nightstand so it faced up to the ceiling, bathing the room in a glow.

She muttered under her breath between each gulp of wine, and I knew I had to get her mind off MC, or she’d be hungover and in an even worse mood tomorrow.

“When I was in the kitchen, I peeked out the window and saw Cross standing in the rain.”

Mid bottle tip, her eyes rounded, and she coughed, spraying some of the wine on her nightgown.

“He’s here? Out in this weather?” She brushed off the wine with her hand, which made me cringe. “He’s going to get struck by lightning if he stays out there by the trees.”

“He wasn’t there for long. Shepard ran out of the house and chased after him. I’m not sure where either of them are now.”

Vena sighed. “Hopefully, Cross went home.”

“Vena, he has no home. We were supposed to help him find one. I feel really guilty. All this time, he’s been without a roof over his head while I’ve been sleeping soundly in my bed.”

She patted my arm. “He’s resourceful. And we’ll find him a place soon.”

Voices in the hallway drew our attention. We tiptoed to the door and opened it enough to peek out.

“Oh, you poor thing!” Mrs. Hunter said as she looked at Shepard, who was drenched. “How did you get so wet?”

He ran fingers through his hair, slicking it back from his face. Water rolled down his neck and onto his shirt, which clung to him like a second skin.

“I checked the car,” he said. “I thought I left the window open.”

“Let me get you a towel.” Vena’s mom hurried to the bathroom.

Shepard’s hard gaze shot over to Vena and me. We both squeaked and jerked back into the room. Vena shut the door and grinned at me.

“You’re in trouble.” She hopped back into bed. “But I have a feeling there’s a get-out-of-jail-free card, and he’s about to make it easier by stripping off those wet clothes.”

I shushed her. “He can probably hear you.”


I shoved the bottle of wine at her. “Drink so you and your mouth fall asleep soon.”

Her expression immediately turned contrite.