Page 4 of Fangs and Fudge

“See you at seven, then.”

I sent Vena a quick text and went down to the main bar where I looked at the empty cupcake box.

Buzz winked at me as he cleaned a glass. “Don’t worry. We shared.”

“As in three for me and one for everyone else kind of sharing?”

He chuckled. “You would have heard fighting if any of us tried that. Thanks for the cupcakes, Everly.”

I waved goodbye and went to collect my things.

At home, I saw a familiar truck sitting at the curb behind Miles’ car and waved to Tank. He nodded and watched me let myself into the house.

I didn’t exactly mind the extra eyes on me. Not after what had happened to Miles.

Dropping my things on the couch, I checked the message from Vena saying she was on her way back and then sent Miles a text.

Me: Did you eat? Have you sent your proof of life pictures to Vena?

Miles: Yes and yes. I ordered a pizza and tried to invite my guard in. He declined the invite and my offer to have a slice.

Me: Sierra drugged Gunther. I’m betting they’re going to be careful about taking pizza and booze from strangers for a while.

Yet, as I typed that last message, I realized they’d had no problem eating the cupcakes I’d brought. Even after smelling vampire on me.

Miles: Geez. Now I feel twice as bad. I’ll have to find a way to pay them back. Let me know if you have any ideas.

I went to the kitchen and started making two sandwiches.

Vena arrived just as I was settling in to watch the latest episode of The Other House that had aired last night.

“How’d everything go at your parents’?” I asked.

She placed a pile of leather-bound books on the coffee table next to our sandwiches. She kicked back on the couch and snagged a plate.

“Good. The map and book are in a spot Miles will never find. And I brought back a few books for research.”

Mid-bite, I choked. “Research? Vena, I swear you better mean research for an upcoming university class and not treasure hunting.”

“I already told you I’d pick up a few books for Miles to keep him entertained and out of trouble.” When I narrowed my eyes at her, she added, “Safe books. I will even go through them first to make sure they won’t trigger him. Everything will be fine.”

Her attempt to soothe only made me more nervous, even though I knew Miles would never be okay without something to research.

“What books did you get?”

“Information on vampires. I want to know a little more about them myself.”

“Because Miles was fed on?”

She nodded. “And the compelling aspect. We should know these things anyway, given our recent encounters, don’t you agree?”

I knew she was talking about Cross.

“Let’s not poke our noses where they don’t belong,” I said, not wanting to throw any shade on Cross. He had done nothing but help us. Yes, he was considered a dangerous supernatural, but so was Shepard, and I trusted him. “Let’s just watch The Other House and relax until we go to work.”

“Shepard’s really opening already?”

I nodded as I chewed the last of my sandwich. “Blur wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. Just needed cleaning and a few repairs.”