“Are we sure this is the right place?” Vena asked, leaning forward to look up at the sky through the canopy above the road.
“You’re the one who entered the address,” I said.
Ahead, the road split. The one to the left disappeared behind the left most three-story building with a double-door entrance at the top of a set of stairs. The road to the right curved in front of all three of the buildings and ended in a large parking area.
I took the right and parked.
“It looks like a hotel or a nicer version of our dorms,” Vena said.
“A little,” I agreed, getting out.
I was in the process of taking out the extra-large container of fudge from the back seat when the doors of the center building opened. Shepard strode out with a welcoming smile on his face.
“Everly. Vena. Did you find the place all right?”
“Yeah,” Vena said. “This is your house?”
He chuckled as he reached us, but that sound died as he stopped beside me to take the container. Without even hiding what he was doing, he leaned in and smelled me.
When he pulled back and met my gaze, I was expecting some comment about smelling like vampire again. Instead, he glanced at Vena.
“It’s not only my home but the home for all of the D.C. area pack. We stick together so we can take care of one another. Come on. I’ll show you around.”
Vena arched a brow at me behind his back as he led us into the building he’d left. I shrugged, not sure why he hadn’t said anything but grateful for it.
The entry gave off a hotel lobby vibe with a small area off to one side that held a reception-type desk. He nodded to the women there and continued leading us down the hall.
“We have a kitchen back here,” he said. The room was spacious and connected with another larger area that looked like a lounge and dining room combined.
“If we leave the fudge here, everyone will find it,” Shepard said. “We can take a plate to Gunther.”
The second he had the lid off, a little boy came racing in and silently gave Shepard puppy eyes. Shepard ruffled the boy’s hair with a grin.
“I’m not falling for your trap again, Lucas. Go ask your mum, or she’ll be handing me my tail at dinnertime.”
The boy growled with an underlying whine and ran off again.
“You like kids?” Vena asked.
“I love kids,” Shepard said. “They’re the heartbeat of our future.”
“Nice,” she said. “Women like an invested family man.”
I elbowed Vena when his back was turned, fixing a plate for Gunther. She grinned at me.
“Safe,” she mouthed.
I rolled my eyes at her and watched Shepard finish stacking a portion of fudge on the plate for Gunther. He popped the last one into his mouth and turned to us with a grin.
“Couldn’t resist.”
That seemed to be a theme lately.
Leaving the kitchen with the treats, Shepard led us down the hall and up a flight of stairs to a partially open door at the end of the hall. Shepard knocked lightly.
“You up for company?” he asked.
I didn’t hear a reply, but he pushed open the door. Gunther was sitting on a made bed, looking down at his hands.