Page 37 of Fangs and Fudge

Cross shook his head. “I don’t think that’s the case. I went to Juicy to see if I could find the scent there, but it’s being well guarded by wolves and human police.

“While watching, I crossed paths with a newly turned vampire. It seems the humans know a vampire nest has gained a foothold and have made it impossible for the vampires to return to their haven. Which means they’re scattered and looking for a new location to regroup.

“My young friend was willing to trade me information for advice on how to feed without killing while they set up a new feeder bar.”

I made a gross face, which Cross noticed.


“It’s fine. What did your friend tell you?”

“The brutality that your wolf friend suffered was sanctioned by D.C.’s current alpha vampire. It was a declaration of war against the wolves. No other wolf was taken. There was no need. Damaging one in such a way is enough to ensure the retaliation they want.”

“Then, where’s Anchor?” Vena asked before I could ask why they wanted retaliation. “Why would a vampire’s cat be at our house the morning he was taken? A cat that we saw at Blur and at Juicy, mind you.”

“Understandably suspicious,” Cross said. “Perhaps my friend is simply unaware. Or perhaps others are trying to learn what the wolves know about otherworld activity.”

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“The fae and the dwarves are not as innocent as they seem. There were reasons the fae, dwarves, vampires, and wolves hid in the shadows for centuries.”

I frowned at my triple layer death by chocolate mousse cheesecake and slowly forked my first bite.

“So you think another group might have taken Anchor to figure out what the wolves know since they had gone after the vampire nest?” I asked.

“It’s one theory,” Cross said.

“But I thought wolves hunted vampires. That’s the reason for their existence,” Vena said. “At least, that’s what all the old books are saying.”

I took my bite and groaned at the flavor before slowly sliding the tines from my lips. The texture was perfect and the chocolate layers were well-balanced. While the other desserts had been okay, this one was out-of-the-park amazing.

“Cross is going to forget how to speak if you keep making love to your fork like that,” Vena said. “Focus, Ev.”

“You shouldn’t have brought me here if you wanted me to focus on anything but how heavenly this tastes and mentally figuring out how to level it up.”

“I don’t mind,” he said with a quirk of his lips.

“I do,” Vena said, handing him a pair of her sunglasses.

I glanced at him and saw his eyes flickering between black and brown.

“Sorry,” I said, setting down my fork. “Carry on.”

“Thank you,” he said to Vena, slipping on the gender-neutral shades. “As I was saying, I simply believe we shouldn’t make any assumptions regarding where Anchor might be. However, it is safe to assume that Shepard and his people have stirred up some serious trouble. It would be in your best interests to avoid Blur and the wolves as much as possible.”

I shook my head. “We can’t. Tuition is due in six weeks. We’ll need every shift possible between now and then.”

“There is no need to concern yourself with money,” he said. “I have plenty, and I’d rather see you safe than laboring at a place that could be attacked again. Being around the wolves right now is asking for trouble.”

In a way, he was right. But I couldn’t take his money, either.

“Shepard will never let anything happen to Vena or me. He protects his employees.”

“Just like he protected Gunther and Anchor?” Cross questioned.

Vena choked.

“Apologies,” Cross said.