“MC stopped by with donuts for Doc if you want one,” I said while eyeing the stack of books on the nightstand. Bookmarks stuck out from various pages, proving she’d stayed up and read.
“Not hungry,” she said.
“Probably because you haven’t had your coffee. Come on, Vena. Emerge a butterfly already.”
The covers flipped back, and she glared at me. Her hair was tangled around her head, adding to the very non-butterfly effect she had going on.
“That’s a lot of sexy right there,” I said, holding out the cup. She sat up and took a large gulp of her morning kickstart.
While she focused on that magical elixir of life, I pulled out my phone and showed her the text conversation with Cross. She nodded and got out of bed.
“Better?” I asked.
“Not really. Has there been any word from Anchor?”
I shook my head, and she nodded toward her phone on the nightstand. Her recent texts were all to Anchor, asking if he was okay, asking if she’d gone too far, apologizing. I put the phone down and hugged her, beginning to see that regardless of her flirting history with men, she’d been more serious with Anchor than I’d realized.
“I’m sure he’s fine,” I said.
“Yeah, I’m sure you’re right.”
I left her to finish waking up and went to get ready. When I emerged from the bathroom, Vena’s bedroom door was open, and I heard her voice from the kitchen.
“It’s okay,” Vena said. “I’m not hungry right now.”
“I can get you something else if you don’t want donuts,” MC said. “I just thought you might want something a little sweet to start your day.”
“I’m more of a savory person. Everly is the sweet one.”
“Does anyone need coffee?” I asked, interrupting the conversation before either of them could take the savory comment to a that’s-what-she-said place. Even though Vena was worried about Anchor, her mouth could still flirt. “I can make another pot.”
“I’m good, Ev,” Vena said as she placed her cup down. “I’ll get ready. Then we can go.”
“Go?” MC asked. “Where are you going?”
“Errands,” I said.
“I can drive,” he said. “It’s safer if one of us is with you.”
I shook my head. “No, it’s okay. I made a deal with Shepard. And we’ll be around other people.”
MC’s slight frown eased. “Okay. Well, let me know if you need anything.”
“I will. You and your guys should get some rest.”
“My guys?”
Not wanting to rat out Shepard and his overprotectiveness, I smiled and said, “Everyone who’s losing sleep running around looking for vampires in the dead of night. Just get some rest. Vena and I will be okay.”
Glancing at Doc who sat at the table, I asked, “Have you heard how Gunther is doing?”
“He’s still out cold but healing well. He won’t work for a few nights but should be back by Wednesday.”
“If you see him, tell him I’ll bake him whatever treat he wants.”
“I will.”
Doc stood and clapped MC on the shoulder. “Time to go.”