Page 138 of Fangs and Fudge

“Get to the point,” Vena said impatiently. “What did he tell you?”

“I don’t think they’re looking for the rings but the stones in the back of that book you found, Vena. Stones, as in gemstones. And guess who else was looking into those stones? Our grandparents right before they disappeared. They were looking into the history of them, which is why they had that book.”

“Why is this important?” Vena asked.

“Shepard said the vampires are up to something, right? They want those stones. I think that’s why Master told me to steal Shepard’s ring. I think that’s one of the gemstones. We don’t know why or what those stones were for. But I think between the book and the map that we might have the keys we need to find the answer.”

“Did you tell the master about the book and map?” Vena asked.

“No. I didn’t have any contact with him after you both freed me from that chair. Only a number to text if I got the ring. I wanted the book because I thought the book and map could help me figure out what the rings were for so I would understand how to get them for Master.”

“Okay. Then I think they’re safest where they’re at for now. We’ll make plans to spend some time at Mom and Dad’s soon. Until then, what are the chances you’ll stay out of trouble?” Vena asked.

Miles laughed. “Never thought I’d hear that from you.”

“It does sound weird, doesn’t it?” I said.

“I have no plans of causing trouble and really hope it doesn’t find me again.”

“You’ll be fine at your house now,” Anchor said. “Shepard said the vampire who controlled him is gone, and you’re smart enough not to open the door for unfamiliar guests now. Plus, Shepard will have your house marked for watching at night. Same as Everly and Vena’s.”

Relieved we were under werewolf protection for the unforeseeable future, I waved goodbye as we dropped Miles off at his place. It didn’t take long after that to pick up my car and head home.

I walked into our living room with a sigh of relief and glanced at Vena to see if she felt the same. She was busy staring at Anchor.

“So…house rules still apply,” I said. “No making out while I’m home.”

“Says the girl who got a hickey while I was sleeping next to her,” Vena said.

“Hickey?” Anchor asked, glancing at my neck.

“They’re marks from when MC grabbed me,” I said, waving away his concern with a glare at Vena. “But I’m pretty sure I have a lot to do in the next week or so. Errands and whatnot. Hopefully, some bank accounts to set up and a house to buy.”

Pretending to look at my phone calendar, I said, “Looks like I have an appointment tomorrow around lunchtime. And I’ll have to get groceries, too.”

She grinned. “I’ll stay home if you don’t mind.”

“I don’t. Now, I’m going to go take a nap.”

I closed myself in my room and sent a text to Mrs. Hunter.

Me: Plan on company this weekend. You might even get to meet the guy who finally caught Vena’s eye.

She sent back a screaming GIF that made me grin as I sent a quick group text.

Me: Shepard, I know you’re crazy busy, and I don’t want to add to your plate, but I just want to make sure you’re still going to help Cross become a legal citizen.

Shepard: It’s already in the works. He should have his birth certificate by the end of the day tomorrow. He’ll need to get his picture taken for an ID, though. Will that work, or is it like the reflection myth?

Cross: I’m flattered you're interested in a picture of me. I promise my image will not disappear or disappoint. Would you like me clothed or unclothed?

I chuckled at Cross’ banter, knowing Shepard was probably cursing up a storm. Or maybe not. I was pretty sure Cross was secretly growing on Shepard.

Shepard: Unclothed if it’s on a framed canvas so I can hang it over my dartboard.

Cross: I was hoping it’d be over your bed.

I snickered.