Page 112 of Fangs and Fudge

“How much do you think we’ll eat?” I asked with a laugh.

Shepard glanced at me. “I have a big appetite.”

Was it just me, or was he no longer talking about food?

If the other women noticed, they didn’t let on. They were too busy removing the lids and placing everything on the four-seat kitchen table.

I took in the sight of eggs benedict, French toast, crepes, bacon, sausage, fresh fruit, and cinnamon rolls. Everything looked lovingly prepared with artistic garnishes.

“Do you have a professional chef?” I asked after they left.

“One of the wives is a chef. I hired her to take care of the food here.”

“With so many people, I assume she doesn’t work alone, right?”

He nodded. “There is a job for everyone who wants to contribute.”

Vena shuffled out of the bedroom. “I smell bacon.” Her nose led her straight to the platter. She stole two right away and said she’d be back. Shepard and I sat down. Vena returned in seconds. What amazed me more was that she was fully dressed.

“Did you sprint?” I asked her.

“If there’s bacon, I have super speed.” She sat at the table and piled most of the bacon onto her plate along with one slice of French toast, one cinnamon roll, and one ripe strawberry. “For balance,” she said when I eyed the single strawberry.

I shook my head at her and looked at Shepard as he placed a cinnamon roll on my plate.

“What does today’s challenge mean for you?” I asked. “When you were talking about it with Cross at the restaurant, it sounded bad.”

“It depends on the reason I’m challenged. MC says he thinks I’m leading poorly, but I believe he’s challenging me because I pulled him away from Vena.”

“Thank you very much for that,” Vena said.

Shepard smiled at her and nodded.

“So you’re not worried then? Do you need help with anything?”

“Actually, I was hoping to talk to both of you about that,” he said. “While I’d rather keep you both here until your shift at Blur, I don’t think it would be fair for either of you.”

“Why?” I asked.

“Coordinating tonight’s challenge is going to take up every minute of my time after breakfast.”

“I hope you squash MC,” Vena said with bacon sticking out of her mouth.

“I will.”

“I want front-row seats.”

Shepard’s gaze shifted to me. “You’ll have them.”

“So where are we going if you don’t want us here?” I asked.

“I want you here, Everly. Never doubt that. But for now, I’d feel better if you were at your house. I’ll send Doc with you.”

“Nope. Keep your guys out finding vamps so Miles can be free. I assume you need them to help with the challenge, too. Cross can guard us,” Vena said. “We’ll tell him to meet us there after breakfast.”

“Okay, but Miles should stay,” Shepard said. “And I’m only sending the two of you home temporarily until the challenge is complete. Then you’re back here with me.”

The fact he didn’t say no to Cross surprised me. Hadn’t he said no to Cross being at the house in exchange for getting Cross his identification papers?