Page 61 of Fangs and Fudge

Did she think our contact was just going to stand up and wave? I thought as my gaze swept the space.

At the back of the room, two men stuck out from the rest. They were hard not to notice.

Both wore black leather pants and unbuttoned black shirts, making their bodies blend together as they sat in an oversized chair under the dim lighting. The only difference between the two men that I could tell at this distance was that one had long dark hair and the other wore cat ears on his head and a diamond collar around his neck.

I tried not to gawk at their public display of horniness as the one with the cat ears lowered himself to rub his face on the other man’s chest, his tongue coming out in flicks. His hand rubbed more than just chest as it dipped low into the shadows their bodies created. It was then I noticed the cat tail on the butt of his leather pants.

Before the cat-man could get too carried away, the long-haired man coaxed him back up to resume his attention elsewhere. The cat-man’s grazing fingers followed his mouth up the other man’s lean body.

The long-haired man watched us with eyes painted in black eyeliner and mascara spiking above and below his eye in theatrical goth style.

In a show of possessiveness, the cat-man curled onto the man’s lap, wrapping his arm around his lover and threading his fingers through the man’s hair. Cat-man tipped his head to whisper into his ear.

Goth-man gave a nod and then petted the cat, murmuring to him. Eventually, the cat relaxed enough to begin licking the man’s neck.

The long-haired man gestured for us to join them.

“Is that him?” I asked Vena, hoping we could talk to someone who wasn’t playing with a human cat.

“Won’t know until we ask,” she said.

She started forward. Resisting the urge to grab the back of her shirt, I followed closely.

The man being licked and kissed smirked at me when we reached them.

“Everly,” he said. “It is a pleasure to finally meet you. You look delicious. My name is V--”

The cat-man bit him. While the bite drew blood, it didn’t seem to faze V. However, it screamed jealousy. And when the cat-man turned his head to hiss at me, showing long fangs, it screamed vampire, too.

“Shit,” Vena said, shoving her hands between my boobs. The knife was out and unsheathed a second later.

V inhaled deeply and chuckled. “You’ve saved us a truly concerning dilemma, Vena. Thank you.”

“Fuck you and die,” she said, holding her knife out.

He laughed outright. “You think you’ll kill us with that paltry blade? You’re adorable.”

I grabbed Vena’s arm and tugged it down.

“What was the dilemma?” I asked with false calm.

Humor danced in his eyes. “Oh, I like you.”

“You might want to tone down your words of affection. Your cat doesn’t appreciate them, and neither do I.”

The cat stopped growling low at me and smiled. It was a hundred times creepier than the first tooth display. Probably because of the blood painting his mouth. He slowly licked it off.

“Pet,” the cat said, “you were right. She is unique and interesting. I can see why she caught Cross’ interest.”

V, who was apparently nicknamed Pet, stroked a hand down the cat-man’s back.

“You know I’m rarely wrong, Master.”

The cat was the master, and V was the pet? Weird. I tried not to let their obvious role reversal break my brain.

“Before we can tell you anything about Cross, we need some kind of proof you know something about Anchor,” I said.

The whole room started laughing, proving just how thoroughly screwed we were. While the rest of the club might be human, the VIP section wasn’t looking that way.