Page 57 of Fangs and Fudge

“If you start sniffing her butt, I’m calling Shepard,” Vena said.

Doc frowned at her but took a step back. “Tell me what happened.”

“I already told Shepard about Cross,” I said. “He’s a friend.”

“A kissing friend?” Doc questioned.

“I think the kisses stopped being friendly a while ago. It’s now a battle,” Vena said. “Cross kissed her. Shepard kissed back. Now Cross again. Really, they should just cut out Ev as the middleman and kiss each other.”

The men cringed as if Vena had nut-punched them.

“I’ll have to tell Shepard,” Doc said.

“About the kissing suggestion? I highly encourage it. While you’re at it, tell him we also didn’t agree to three wolves,” Vena said. “I appreciate the security, but our neighbors are going to start calling cops with all the loitering vehicles out there.”

Doc waved Tank out the door. He trailed after him as he brought his phone to his ear.

“Think Shepard will be over here soon?” Vena asked.

“I hope not.”

“Why? He needs to cover up all traces of Cross. And judging from Cross’ kiss, Shepard will have to put in some overtime.”

I rolled my eyes. “Can we forget this and just watch The Other House reruns until our shift tonight?”

“I’m game for that.” She slid a sandwich to me. “Sandwich O’Vena, madam.”

It was ham and cheese. I took it gratefully along with a glass of water.

Sitting on the couch, I flipped on the TV and pulled up one of our favorite episodes of The Other House. As the opening credits rolled, Doc knocked on the door and let himself in.

“Do you mind if I hang out in here?” he asked. “Shepard wants Tank stationed outside.”

Vena waved to the chair. “Have a seat. Do you want a Sandwich O’Vena?”

He raised a brow.

“It’s ham and cheese,” I said.

“Oh. Yes. Please.”

“I’ll make some for Tank, too.” As Vena went to the kitchen, she said, “Pause it when the show starts. I don’t want to miss anything.”

When Vena was out of the room, Doc leaned toward me. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

“I’m fine. I’m not bitten or thralled. There’s no need to worry.”

“You know we’ll worry.”

I paused the show at the opening scene. “Vena, it’s on.” I then glanced at Doc. “I can’t stop you from worrying, but please trust me when I say that Cross is different.”

Just like Shepard, Doc didn’t believe me, but when Vena handed him a plate with three sandwiches stacked on it, he fell silent as he ate.

“We already know Donte is the wolf in this season,” Vena said, settling in next to me. “I can’t wait to know about the current season’s wolf. I bet it’s Chase.”

“It’s not him,” Doc said. “It’s--”

Vena launched at him, her hand pressed against his mouth as sandwiches flew into the air. Ham and cheese slicked with mayo dropped with a splat onto them and the couch.