She chuckled again and followed me inside. I didn’t see Cross standing in the opening between the living room and the dining room until I’d tossed my purse on our couch.
His eyes were flickering between brown and black as he stared at me.
I stood there like an idiot for a moment. Vena cleared her throat and patted my back.
“Kissing brings nothing but trouble,” she said. “That’s probably why he has two of his guys following you.”
Cross held up three fingers and nodded toward the back of the house.
Then he closed the distance between us and pulled me into his arms. The kiss he planted on me was absolutely toe-curling and would, without a doubt, cause Shepard to lose his mind when I went in to work later.
When Cross finally eased up and looked at me, I could barely remember my name.
“Am I the only hungry one here?” Vena called from the kitchen. “How about a sandwich?”
“Sounds good,” I murmured, holding Cross’ gaze. He still hadn’t said anything, and I wasn’t entirely sure if the anger simmering in his gaze was due to the people surrounding my house or knowing Shepard and I had kissed.
Cross let out a long breath then leaned in to press a kiss to my forehead. Fingers entwined with mine, he led me to the kitchen, then took out his phone. He surprised me by sending a group text.
Cross: Is there any additional information you would care to share with me?
Me: I told Shepard you’re a friend. He didn’t believe me because he could smell that you’d kissed me. Then he kissed me based on my claim that friends can kiss.
Vena glanced at her phone and set down the mayo knife to add to the conversation.
Vena: He also offered to strip-search her before giving her the kiss that was panty-melting hot. Just in case you wanted details.
I shot Vena a dirty look.
Cross: I do not want details. Why did you tell Shepard about me?
Me: They have Sierra at their place. The vampires told her to kidnap Miles and get information about the werewolves. The fact that Gunther was kidnapped by vampires right after and that Anchor is still missing seems related, right? I was hoping you could talk to her again.
Cross: Did you think Shepard would give me permission to speak with her?
The look Cross gave me made me mad enough to drop my phone on the counter and walk away from him. He caught my wrist. Refusing to turn around, I tried tugging it free. He didn’t loosen his hold. Instead, he moved to stand in front of me.
“Forgive me,” he whispered. “But you have to know that wolves and vampires can never be friends, let alone work together. They are too stubborn for that.”
“I agree Shepard is stubborn, but he also needs you to get through to Sierra so we can find Anchor.”
“The only way that will happen is if Sierra is removed from their custody. Even if Shepard would grant me permission to talk to Sierra, I’m not stupid enough to walk into a wolf compound alone. I can deal with a couple of wolves, but not their entire pack.”
I supposed it would be too much to ask them to break their long-lived hatred for each other for the greater good.
Cross’ gaze whipped across the room at the front door.
“Text me later,” he said.
He planted a kiss on my forehead and was down the hall and into my bedroom before I blinked.
The front door crashed open, and Doc and Tank rushed inside. Like a SWAT team, they searched the house and came up empty. Cross had escaped through my bedroom window again.
“He was here,” Doc said. “I smell the vamp everywhere.”
Tank stepped over to me, his nose twitching. “Everywhere. Including on Everly.”
Doc came over, his nose wrinkling as his eyes scanned me, stopping at my mouth.