“Just checking up on them and bringing breakfast.”
“That explains you. What about your guys?”
“Safety in numbers.”
“Doc could have handled anyone that came. He didn’t need your guys, and I didn’t assign them to be at her house.”
“Her house?” MC laughed. “You’re as transparent as glass, Shepard. I’m not encroaching on your turf, so stop thinking things are more than what they seem.”
“This isn’t about turf. This is about you not following orders.”
“What order didn’t I follow? I patrolled where and when I was scheduled to patrol. What my guys and I do during free time is my business, not yours.”
“Not while you’re in D.C. As soon as you got off the plane, your business became mine. You’re here for a reason. Don’t forget it. Follow the orders you’re given, and don’t do anything else.”
“After seeing what they did to Gunther, I’m not sure if I want my guys under your leadership. You’ve let D.C. go to hell. Under my watch in California, we don’t have vampire uprisings. We kill them as soon as we see them.”
“Your arrogance doesn’t make you a better leader, just a blind one if you think the same thing can’t happen to your territory. The vampires have changed how they feed. They’ve adapted. We need to do the same, or we’ll find ourselves back on the edge of extinction. And if you don’t like how I’m leading, you know your options. Leave or challenge. Until then, it’s my way. Now, get out.”
The last words, coldly delivered with an underlying growl, sent me scurrying away from the door and to the VIP bar just as MC stormed out. Pretending to wipe the surface without a rag, I waited until he jogged down the stairs to follow. He’d already disappeared through the kitchen by the time I reached the main floor.
Vena glanced at me. “What was that about?”
I shook my head that now wasn’t the time, and she took the hint and continued the bar prep.
Thankfully, that was the peak drama for the evening. Blur’s regulars showed up in force and left generous tips for prompt drink service with a smile. Vena seemed to be doing just fine every time I looked her way, too. For the most part, she completely ignored MC, who had taken Anchor’s place at the base of the stairs to the VIP section. Not that MC wanted to be ignored. I caught him winking at her. Twice.
Winks delivered across a crowded bar had never worked to win Vena over in the past, and I knew they wouldn’t now. However, they could annoy her. She seemed to keep her cool, though, as the night progressed.
By closing, she was too busy gleefully counting her wad of tip money like Scrooge McDuck to be annoyed by anything. I sat by her to count out my money and handed over the percent due to the bartenders.
“Thanks for the fast service tonight,” I said to Buzz. “Made a difference.”
“Anytime,” he said with a nod. “I hear we’re seeing you tomorrow. You bringing enough fudge for Gunther to share?”
“You all live together?”
He shrugged. “You live with Vena. My family’s just a little bigger.”
“Fair enough. How much fudge should I bring?”
“Do not answer that,” Shepard said behind me. “Just bring what you want, Everly.”
Buzz threw me a sad pout before turning away. Laughing, I went to the lockers with Vena to grab my things.
“I’m going to have to get some more sweetened condensed milk in the morning. You with me?”
“Ugh. Why do you hate me? Of course, I’m with you. You’re going to wait until at least nine, right?”
“You know it needs time to set up,” I said, nodding to Doc, who was waiting for us.
He walked ahead of us out to the parking lot.
“Fine. Eight o’clock. That’s my final offer,” Vena said as I unlocked the doors.
Doc was grinning as he got into his little electric car.
“How many do you think can fit in that thing?” Vena asked.