“Check it out,” Vena said. “He actually got a doorbell camera.”
“Come in,” Miles called.
I looked at the device as she opened the door.
“Nice security addition,” she called .
“Thanks. I installed it this morning,” Miles said from his place at the table.
I nodded to Boulder, who was watching TV quietly.
“What are you both up to?” I asked.
“Trying not to die of boredom,” Miles said. When he turned in his chair, I saw the fairy sitting on the edge of a coffee mug in front of him. It dead-eyed me even though I tried to smile and wave. My insides were cringing hard, and it could probably sense it.
“Brought you the books,” Vena said. “Interesting stuff on vampires. I marked a few spots for you.” She turned toward Boulder. “Are werewolves immune to vampire influence like being compelled or thralled?”
He shut off the TV. “They are.”
She continued to wear her thinky look.
“I’m expecting smoke to start rolling out of her ears any second,” Miles said with a smirk at me.
She ignored him.
“The easier food sources are obviously humans then,” she said to Boulder.
“They are,” he agreed. “And it makes the most sense. Vampires can’t control any of the other races like they can humans or gain any information from feedings. Humans have been their preferred food source for centuries. They only deviate when they’re up to something.”
Vena nodded slowly. “Like revenge.”
“Is there something I don’t know?” Miles asked.
“No,” Vena said. “Nothing. Those books just got me thinking about how much I don’t know about vampires–or a lot of other races, for that matter.”
“Well, you’ve come to the right place,” he said. “I just so happen to know a bit about everyone.”
Vena snorted. “Except for vampires. You didn’t know much about them, did you?”
“Knowing about vampires wouldn’t have stopped Sierra from kidnapping him,” Boulder said, defending Miles.
“I wasn’t blaming him for that. I just wish we knew why,” Vena said.
“You and me both,” Miles said. He motioned me over to the table. “Take a look at this, Ev.”
I looked at the note he’d written.
Can I have Cross’ contact information? I have questions.
“Interesting,” I said as if I was reading an article. “Might need to fact-check that.”
“Yeah. No rush.”
He folded the paper into a small square and handed it to the fairy. It tore into it with its tiny claws, making the note into confetti.
“Wow. That’s impressive,” I said.
It gave me a flat stare again, and I dug into my pocket for a dime.