“Let’s say someone is under vampire influence. How would you know if Cross is older and more powerful to take over the link?”
“Yeah. That’s the main thing that concerns me right now. I have no doubt that Cross is stronger. Everything in these books proves he is no ordinary vampire.”
“Like what?”
She flipped open a book with scribbled notes. “Cross exhibits the normal vampire traits. He’s crazy fast, has a heightened sense of smell, eyes that turn black when he feels the call of fresh blood, and he can see perfectly at night.” She moved her finger down the printed words. “But then there are things that don’t match him. Vampires can’t eat human food. We both have seen him eat food. He doesn’t seem to need eye contact to compel. And then there is walking around in daylight. No vampire should be able to do it, and yet, Cross hasn’t even sent up a smoke signal yet.”
She shut the book. “If he can do those things, I think he can break another vampire’s bond.”
I glanced at Vena as I came to a stop in front of Miles’ place.
“How old is that book?” I asked.
“It was written before the creature reveal.”
“So we can assume everything in there was written by humans for humans. You saw Gunther last night. Those bites were already healing. And you heard Shepard’s talk with the police. Werewolves are just as much the hunters as the vampires are. Which probably means werewolves won’t be as susceptible to vampires as humans.” I paused for a moment then added, “Anchor will be fine.”
She nodded and reached for the car door as my phone buzzed.
Shepard: Just checking in. Saw you were at Miles’.
I chewed on my lip for a minute and dialed him. He answered on the first ring.
“Is everything all right?” he asked. Urgency and worry laced his words.
“Everything’s fine. I’m sorry for calling. I just thought it would be easier than texting.”
“You can call me anytime. Sorry if I overreacted.”
“It’s okay. I understand why. Actually, that’s why I wanted to call. I didn’t want you to read a text and think I was being ungrateful.”
Vena settled back into her seat to listen to my side of the conversation.
“I know you’re worried about us with everything that’s going on, but wouldn’t it be better to use the manpower available to you to track down the vampires instead of having them babysit us? Four seems a bit much. Again, I’m not complaining. I’m super grateful, but our neighbors might start noticing if really big guys are suddenly loitering on porches in the middle of the night.”
Shepard was quiet for too long.
“You know what? Forget I said anything. I trust you, Shepard.”
He let out a long breath. “It means a lot to hear you say that. I trust you too, Everly. Which is why I’ll make sure you’re down to one guard tonight, and you’ll call me if anything goes wrong. Or if you just want to talk.”
The last bit he added quickly as if an afterthought, and I smiled slightly.
“I appreciate it. Oh, and Miles’ place is a stop on the way to check out a new bakery outside of D.C. Just in case you notice us veering west.”
“Got it. Thanks for the heads up.”
When I hung up, Vena was making kissy faces at me.
“You’re ridiculous,” I said.
She laughed as we got out of the car. It was a good sound but one that died too quickly as we walked up the sidewalk.
Thankfully, the little blue nemesis was once again absent when we approached the door and knocked.