Page 11 of Fangs and Fudge

“Don't even think about it,” Buzz said. “That thing still reeks like a vampire.” He attempted to shoo it away with his foot. Instead, the cat stepped around him and wrapped itself around my leg, purring like a racecar engine.

It looked so much like the cat we’d seen at Juicy, which would explain why it smelled like vampire to Buzz. But, even if it did belong to a vampire, that didn’t make it a bad cat. And if it did belong to someone at Juicy, that meant it was homeless now.

I reached down and petted the poor thing.

“Do you think it’s hungry?” I asked.

“Do not feed it,” Buzz said.

“It’s not the cat’s fault it smells like vampire,” I said. Another thought hit me as I recalled Cross’ initial dining habits. “Do you think a vampire was feeding on it?”

“Don’t,” Buzz warned.

“Don’t what?” I asked.

“Get attached.”

“I’m not. What I am is empathetic. It’s homeless and hungry, Buzz.”

I glanced at Vena, who was suspiciously quiet, for backup. But she was edging toward her car door.

“It’s also an animal that can hunt to feed itself,” Buzz said. “It’s fine.”

When he saw his argument hadn’t convinced me, he gently pulled me to my feet and steered me to my car door.

“Go home. Anchor will follow in a minute. Wait in your car until he gets there. Got it?”

I nodded and got in with a slight pout. Buzz watched as I started the engine and made sure I wouldn’t run over the cat as I drove out of the lot.

“I should have known he wouldn’t be a cat guy,” I said, half under my breath.

“I can’t hold it in anymore!”

Her abrupt yell made me jump.


“Now that we’re in the car with no ears, can I please talk about them?”

“Them?” I asked, confused.

“Those delicious California-wrapped morsels of juiciness. I mean, our Blur guys are hot, but damn. Did you see the size of those baby-batter bazookas? And the way they held themselves… There’s something about a guy who knows he’s hot that makes him hotter.”

“And probably more egotistical, too.”

“I’m not around for his ego. I’m around for the ride on his mommy-maker. And those are some seriously large springs to bounce on.”

I rolled my eyes. “If you’re so excited to go bouncing, what was up with that cool rejection of MC’s offer to carry your tray?”

“Even though you think I don’t listen to you, I do. You were right. Anchor was right there watching everything. Unless I want to break his cute little puppy heart, I need to respect his feelings for me.”

“And?” I said, knowing there was more.

“And,” she huffed, “MC was coming on too strong. Not my thing.”

I grinned. “Of course it isn’t. You’re a hunter. You need to chase down what you want, or it wouldn’t be nearly as valuable to you.”

“You know it. I think Anchor knows it, too. His playing hard to get is driving me insane. I really need to buy him some tighter jeans so I can compare sizes. You know…wolf research. Are east coast species as well equipped as the west coast species? It’s a valid research question.”