“And what would be the price of this magnanimity?” asked Moxie.
“Silence when the charges against your client are dropped, even if a thank-you would be nice. In return, Mr. Parker and his friends lose another of their collective nine lives, but no more than that. They’ll still have their liberty, which would count as a legal miracle under the circumstances.”
“Do I have time to consult with my clients?”
“Sure,” said Becker, “if it makes you feel better, but you know you’ll take the deal.”
“And Colleen Clark?”
“No ‘I told you so’ from your office, no statements to the press about the persecution of an innocent woman, and no civil suits against the Portland PD or the AG’s office. You’ll receive a quiet, low-key apology, and you’ll accept it. Then she’ll be left to mourn her child undisturbed.”
“I’m not sure that qualifies as a comfort.”
Becker tossed her cigarette butt under a car.
“No,” she said, “I don’t suppose it does.”
AS BECKER PREPARED TO escort us back inside, I asked Moxie to give me a moment alone with her.
“If you’re trying to get more than I’ve already offered, save your breath,” said Becker.
“I got more than I expected. I have no quarrel with you.”
“Then what is it?”
“Stephen Clark.”
“What about him?”
“He admitted to having an affair with a woman he identified as Mara Teller, but whom we now know to be Eliza Michaud. Stephen Clark was born not far from here. He grew up in this county, and I may have someone who can confirm that he and Eliza had a sexual encounter when they were younger. How could Clark not have known who she was when their paths crossed again decades later?”
“You may have someone? What does that mean?”
“It’s hearsay, admittedly, but I was told that Clark might have screwed one of the Michaud sisters in the parking lot of a bar in Gretton.”
“Presumably while intoxicated?”
“Nevertheless,” I persisted.
“Could you identify every woman you slept with when you were young, especially if you’d been drinking?”
“I know you’ll find this hard to believe,” I said, “but there weren’t that many. Plus, I never claimed to be sleeping with any of them behind my wife’s back and my dead child didn’t end up buried on their property.”
“Stephen Clark broke down when told that his son’s body might have been found,” said Becker. “He’s under sedation. He says he made a terrible mistake with the Teller affair.”
“Which is the understatement of the year. What if it wasn’t a mistake?”
“You’re alleging collusion in the abduction and murder of his son. Why would he do that?”
“I don’t know.”
And I didn’t. I had only suspicions.
“We’ll see what we can find,” said Becker.
But they would find nothing.
ANGEL, LOUIS, AND I were released from custody within the hour. Sabine Drew had left a message to say that she was still at the Gretton lodgings. Although I wanted only to sleep, I knew I wouldn’t be permitted to until we had spoken. Along the way, I got in touch with Adio Pirato, and told him about Mattia Reggio.