Andrew: That’s correct.
Detective Hardy: But she took your name when you married.
Andrew: Yes.
Detective Hardy: A bit of a traditionalist, is she? Most women these days, seems they keep their own name when they get married.
Andrew: Is this somehow relevant?
Detective Hardy: Maybe, maybe not. It’s possible your wife, wherever she might be, is not using her married name. It’s just good to know.
Andrew: Why would she be out there using another name?
Detective Hardy: I don’t know that she is, Mr. Mason. I only want to know as much as I can about her, and that includes her name before she married you. I think we should move on. Now, I have some questions, and I know some of them are going to seem repetitive, like it’s ground we’ve already covered, but maybe, going through this again, you’ll recall something you hadn’t thought of before.
Andrew: You’re spinning your wheels here.
Detective Hardy: I know you may feel that way. And as I said, I understand, but there are things I’d like to go over with you.
Andrew: Fine.
Detective Hardy: Let’s go back to Friday night. You left around six? To head up to Sorrow Bay? Where you have a cabin?
Andrew: That’s right. Cabin makes it sound pretty rustic, but it’s nicer than that. It’s got all the so-called modern conveniences. A new kitchen, Wi-Fi. But yeah, it’s on the water and it’s our getaway place.
Detective Hardy: And why didn’t Brie accompany you on this trip?
Andrew: It was a guys’ weekend.
Detective Hardy: Just one other guy, yes? Gregoire Raymus?
Andrew: That’s right.
Detective Hardy: He’s your friend and business partner.
Andrew: Yes. He goes by Greg.
Detective Hardy: And what is this business again?
Andrew: We build stuff. Small plazas, businesses, low-rises, that kind of thing.
Detective Hardy: And you’ve known Mr. Raymus for how long?
Andrew: Fifteen years, I guess? We met in college. Engineering. Been good friends since, formed a partnership.
Detective Hardy: And you went up together?
Andrew: No, I told you this. We took separate cars because he couldn’t get away as early. His cabin is about a hundred feet down from mine.
Detective Hardy: How long a drive is it?
Andrew: Couple of hours. Sometimes a little longer, if there’s traffic getting out of the Milford area. Can do it in under two if there’s nobody else on the road.
Detective Hardy: Hmm.
Andrew: What?
Detective Hardy: Nothing. So you didn’t actually share quarters.