Detective Hardy: Oh. Nice vacation?
Natalie: Not exactly a vacation. She’s been ill. She’s almost eighty and she’s having trouble moving around, so I had to organize visits from local support groups and that kind of thing. I’m pretty much her only living relative, so there you go. I went up about a week ago. Took the car. It’s about a thirteen-hour drive, so I broke it up into two days.
Detective Hardy: You went alone?
Natalie: Yes. Can you tell me why I’m here? No one’s told me anything. There was a note on my door when I got home.
Detective Hardy: We tried to reach you on your cell.
Natalie: I don’t have a cell phone.
Detective Hardy: Really? You’re a rare breed.
Natalie: They’re bad for you. The radio waves can affect your brain. But the media doesn’t report it because they’re getting paid off by the cell phone companies. If everybody finds out, they’ll stop using them and Verizon and all the others will lose a ton of money. Plus, they can track you, you know. They always know where you are.
Detective Hardy: They?
Natalie: The government. Whoever. It’s all over social media. I follow sites that investigate this kind of thing. That’s why people weren’t taking the vaccine. That’s another way they can keep tabs on you.
Detective Hardy: Would the government be having some reason to track your movements, Ms. Simmons?
Natalie: I think they’d be pretty bored if they bothered, but you never know. Right?
Detective Hardy: I suppose. Anyway, I wonder if we could get started.
Natalie: Okay.
Detective Hardy: First, I want to confirm some information. This address we have for you, that’s current?
Natalie: Yes.
Detective Hardy: And what do you do for a living?
Natalie: I work in an art gallery in Stratford. Maybe you know it? The Decca Gallery? Anyway, they’re pretty good there, and were totally understanding when I had to go up to Halifax.
Detective Hardy: I believe you know an Andrew Mason?
Natalie: Uh, yes.
Detective Hardy: Have you known him very long?
Natalie: Uh, I guess I met him a year ago? Something like that? But I sort of knew him from a long time ago. College. More like acquaintances back then.
Detective Hardy: So, more than an acquaintance now.
Natalie: Well …
Detective Hardy: Things will move along more quickly here if you’ll just answer the questions honestly and directly.
Natalie: I know him a bit better now, yeah. What exactly is this about?
Detective Hardy: When did you start going out with Mr. Mason?
Natalie: It was, I don’t know, a few months ago.
Detective Hardy: How would you describe the nature of your relationship with him, then?
Natalie: We, you know, we sort of were seeing each other.