I never tried to use it in a situation like this before.
Or maybe it’s just because of her. Because of Ivy and this love that makes my heart soar like nothing I’ve ever felt.
I dip my head to kiss Ivy’s hand and ram into her swaying body even faster. Ivy keens, her fingers rising higher to grip my hair and tug me to her.
As I bow over her, our sweat-damp bodies sliding closer together, she trembles and clamps around my cock. Her fingernails scrape over my shoulder as she hits her second climax—and the force of her release drags me with her into a rush of the headiest pleasure.
A hoarse sound escapes me as I spill myself inside her. Ivy gives a gasping sort of laugh and clutches me even tighter.
Careful of the ridges of scarring on her back, I enfold her in my arms and roll us onto our sides so I can meld her body to mine without worrying that I’ll crush her. Ivy tips her head against my chest with the most contented sigh I’ve ever heard.
I can’t lose this woman. I simply can’t.
We cuddle like that for several cozy minutes, until the cool air seeping through the walls starts to chill our skin. Ivy squirms even closer for just a moment before reaching for her clothes. “We should probably confirm to the others that you’re alive. Although I suspect the walls are thin enough that they’ve already figured that out.”
At the meaningful clearing of a throat from the other room, my face heats, but only a faint warmth.
There’s nothing really to be embarrassed about here. We all know where we stand—and how much Ivy means to us.
We should still discuss our next steps in regards to the Order of the Wild. I don’t even know what the results of the riot were.
I yank on my clothes and walk with Ivy into the outer room. Rheave glances over from where he’s standing by the window with a nod of acknowledgment, his gaze trained on Ivy rather than me.
Casimir smiles where he’s standing by the table. “It’s good to see you up.”
Alek pushes aside the book he was paging through and considers me with a furrowed brow. “Are you sure?—”
The slam of the door being flung open cuts off his question. Four men burst into the room, swords drawn.
The man in the lead points his blade at me. “You’re all under arrest!”
At the sight of the blades flashing in the late-afternoon light, my body goes rigid. My men all whip around to face the intruders.
The burly guy at the front of the group said they were here to arrest us, but none of them wear any kind of uniform.
Rheave’s expression twitches, and he points a finger at one of the men flanking the apparent leader.
I think he’s saying that one’s a daimon. These are Order of the Wild members, come to exert their ill-gotten authority over us.
How did they find us? How much do they know?
Stavros tucks his prosthetic slightly out of view, his posture drawing up with his full military authority. Every muscle in his massive frame is braced to spring into action.
In spite of the precarious situation we’ve found ourselves in, a pang of gratitude fills me at the sight of him so steady after his bloody collapse this morning.
I didn’t know if I’d ever see him standing again.
“Arrested for what?” he demands.
My magic shudders through my chest in anticipation of their answer. I could tear straight through them all.
But how will I balance out those consequences? Uncertainty scatters my thoughts, which were already a bit dizzy from everything I pulled off this morning.
The lead Order member opens his mouth to speak, but he hesitates at the creak of the steps behind him. He and his colleagues ease to the side so two more intruders can push into the cramped room.