“Those are daimon,” he says with total certainty. “I can feel it even from here. What are they doing?”

Stavros’s mouth forms a grim smile. “Guarding the territory their masters have claimed, I assume. That post marks the border of Eppun.”

“We made it,” I murmur.

And now the truly hard part of our mission begins.



Stavros paces in front of the tent. “I can’t simply sit here while the rest of you do all the work.”

“You’re not sitting,” I point out helpfully. “And I’m sure we’ll find plenty to keep you busy once we know what we’re doing. But when we’re simply going into the town to wander around and get the lay of the land, you’d stick out like a sore thumb. You’re too recognizable.”

Stavros growls, but he knows I’m right. It’s doubtful that the conspirators know or care that the king wants our heads on a platter… which actually works against us with them.

If anyone from the Order of the Wild recognizes one of his former top generals, they’ll assume Stavros is here under King Konram’s orders, to stop them.

Alek touches my arm where he’s come up beside me. “Just be careful. We don’t know what exactly to expect here in Nikodi.”

He’s hanging back at our campsite too, for similar reasons. If any word has gotten around about the supposed traitors harboring a riven sorcerer, showing his scars or his mask will make him easy to identify.

We’re only going on a scouting mission, after all. The point is to blend in and gather information, not to make any big moves.

I give Alek a quick kiss. “We should be fine. There’s no reason for anyone to find us suspicious. And this is Julita’s home territory—we have her to guide us too.”

My ghostly passenger pipes up from the back of my head. That’s right. I’ll keep you on the right track.

Her attempt at a perky tone doesn’t entirely work. Apprehension winds through it.

We’re heading to her family’s estate first. We have no idea what we’ll find there, but I’ve gathered that she finds it hard to believe that her parents would have been won over by the Order of the Wild.

Which means the scourge sorcerers have likely taken over by force.

I offer Stavros a kiss for good measure, which he accepts with another disgruntled growl but plenty of heat in return. When I draw back, he studies Casimir and Rheave for a second, with less hesitation than he used to show the daimon-man.

Casimir picks up on the worry he’s not expressing. “We’ll make sure Ivy comes back in one piece.”

Rheave draws his well-muscled form up straighter. “No one will get past us to harm her.”

“Hey, I might be the one who ends up defending the two of you,” I retort lightly.

A shadow crosses Stavros’s expression before he seems to will it away. He keeps his tone even. “Better not to turn to your magic unless you have to, while you’re still getting the hang of balancing the effects.”

I smile even though my stomach knots at his cautioning. “Agreed.” I pat my pocket where I’ve stashed my enchanted locket. “Signal us if any trouble finds you.”

Stavros nods and turns to Alek. “I suppose we should keep working on those knife skills of yours. I’ll whip you into shape eventually.”

Alek groans, but he gets out his dagger without further protest.

I wink at him. “Draw a little blood for me.”

As Stavros snorts in amusement, I haul myself onto Toast’s back. Casimir, Rheave, and I set off at a trot.

The ride to bring us within sight of the county of Nikodi’s seat of authority takes about two hours. We pass it in silence and brief moments of hushed conversation, scanning the countryside as we go.

With each passing mile, my gut twists tighter. We don’t really know what to expect up ahead. I’ve spent years picking up information from the streets of Florian, making my way through both the grittiest and poshest neighborhoods without drawing attention, but I’ve never had to navigate a violent uprising before.