From the wariness in her expression, it’s obvious which part of everything she’s specifically concerned about.
All at once, it hits me just how difficult that moment must have been for her too. Not just because of my past reactions to her magic, but because of how it would have reminded her of the one other time she brought someone she cared about back from the brink of death.
The only other time she’s used her power to save a life, she lost an equally dear one… and the woman she saved turned on her for it.
An ache swells in my chest. I set down the mug and turn toward her, reaching to grasp her hand.
With the squeeze of my fingers, I hope I convey the truth of my next words. “I meant what I told you, Ivy. It doesn’t matter what magic you used to heal me. What matters is you were the one doing it. I trust you.”
She exhales a little raggedly. How long is it going to take before she fully believes that statement?
She twines her fingers with mine, but her head droops. “I keep thinking back to the moment when it happened. Maybe I could have reacted quickly enough to stop him from stabbing you in the first place, and then I wouldn’t have needed to use any magic on you. But I hesitated—I didn’t have time to think of where to aim the backlash— Even after the training and practice, I’m still scared.”
I stroke my thumb over the back of her hand. “I think that’s a good thing. The consequences of being cautious should be much less than the consequences of going too far. I’m glad you were there to save me from my carelessness.”
I pause, but I know I need to ask this question. To find out who or what paid so that I could live. “What backlash came out of healing me?”
Ivy takes a deep breath. “I was going to focus on the tree I’ve been using on the abandoned farm. But then I glanced out the window and saw one of the daimon Rheave had marked with a burn. I figured it’d be safer using a target I could see, and something almost human, for an effect that big.”
“It killed him?”
“He at least fainted from whatever injuries I passed on to him. I think one of Emor’s people took care of the rest.”
I let that knowledge settle. I can’t even feel guilty about keeping my life at the expense of a conjured body that was more a prison than a living thing itself.
So Ivy shouldn’t feel guilty either.
I pull her closer to me, hating the wariness I feel in her stance as she comes. As if there’s still a small part, however deeply she managed to bury it, that’s afraid I’ll lash out at her for doing what was outright miraculous.
The ache deepens, wrapping around my heart.
I tuck her head against my shoulder and kiss her temple, enveloping her slim but strong frame in my arms. “Thank you. You found a way, just like I knew you would. Are you okay after using so much of your magic?”
Ivy nods against my shoulder. “I was pretty worn out after, but I got some rest too. You’ve been out for most of the day. Alek just got back from the temple.”
The tension in her body gradually loosens as she nestles in my embrace. Every subtle sensation of her accepting the affection I’m only too happy to offer feels like a gift.
We haven’t had many moments where we could just be with each other. Even more so with me than with the other two men who’ve claimed a spot in her life, because I had my head up my ass for too long while they saw her worth.
I tease my fingers under her chin to nudge it upward so I can brush my lips to hers. So I can show her that nothing at all has changed about any of the ways I adore her.
Ivy lets out a strained but hungry sound that sends a bolt of lust straight to my cock and kisses me back hard. She slings her arm across my shoulders and hugs me tightly.
When our mouths part, she keeps holding me close. “You were dying. When I saw all that blood… I don’t know if I’ve ever been more scared.”
Fear, horror, and relief at the ultimate outcome mingle in her voice.
A lump rises in my throat, but I manage to find the casual drawl that’s served me in the past keeping spirits up in the midst of battle. “I’m sorry I worried you. I’ll try my best not to let it happen again.”
Another noise, half snort and half sob, escapes Ivy’s mouth before she yanks me in for another kiss.
Gods above, I want her so much. Want to remind both of us of how alive I am thanks to her; want to celebrate that victory by worshipping the woman who made it possible.
As our mouths meld together again, I ease around to lay her on her back, bracing myself over her. When I stroke my fingers over her breast, Ivy hums eagerly.
I tear my mouth from hers to chart a path along her jaw and down the side of her neck. The feeling of having her beneath me, of her hands running down my chest over my tunic, sets off a throb of desire in my groin.
I nip her earlobe before murmuring into her ear. “I’m going to fulfill the promise I made. It’s my turn to take you.”