Page 81 of The Island Villa

“I’ve said to my mother, for teaching me all there is to know about love.”

Catherine kept her smile in place, even though the idea of her being called an expert in love was close to laughable. Still, the truth wouldn’t work.

To my mother, who stuffed up love at every opportunity.

The book was fiction, so why shouldn’t the dedication be fiction too?

“Perfect.” She squeezed Cassie’s hand. “Thank you.”

“It seemed appropriate. If I hadn’t grown up seeing you write, maybe I wouldn’t have thought it was even possible as a career.”

It felt good to know she’d inspired her daughter. “So it’s a love story, underpinned by tragedy.”

“Not just any love story. It’s your love story.”

Catherine’s smile froze on her face. The world around her seemed to slow down. The sensation behind her neck went from a warning prickle to a freezing shower. “Mine?”

“Well, yours and my dad’s. This is a little bit awkward under the circumstances.” Cassie sent an apologetic look toward Andrew. “Obviously, I had no idea that the two of you were together again when I wrote it. I didn’t mean to be insensitive. I hope you understand, Andrew. It was all in the past, obviously.”

Well, obviously, Catherine thought, given that Rob was dead.

To his credit, Andrew’s smile didn’t slip but there was caution in his smile too, as if he was working out the full implications of what Cassie was telling them. “I’m proud of you. I know your mother is too. I have no problem with it, Cassie.”

Cassie turned to Catherine. “Mum?”

She had a problem with it. She had an enormous problem.

Cassie had written a love story inspired by her relationship with Rob Dunn?

A love story.

She put her hand across her mouth to stop a hysterical laugh escaping. If ever there was a relationship that shouldn’t have been immortalized in romantic fiction, it was theirs.

Cassie’s eyes shone. “You seem really moved. I’m pleased.”


Panic rose inside her. The edges of her vision grew dark and the air felt trapped in her lungs. She was struggling to breathe when she felt Andrew’s hand close over hers. His fingers tightened and she clung.

He knew. He understood. And he was telling her everything was going to be fine. She could already hear his voice in her head. It’s just a book. Fiction. No one will guess the story itself is based on your relationship with Rob.

And he was right. She should relax.

“I don’t know what to say.”

Cassie smiled. “You don’t have to say anything. I can see you’re a little overwhelmed. I can’t think of a better tribute to my parents. What you shared will be there in print forever. With luck, millions will read it.”


In print forever.

Nausea rose inside her. In her mind, she was back there on that awful night, Rob’s body twisted and broken at the bottom of the stairs.

She’d sat there sobbing over his body, thinking, This is the end. It’s over.

But now Cassie, in her innocence, had dredged it up again.

Just when she thought she’d put Rob Dunn behind her forever, he managed to worm his way back into her life.