Page 109 of The Island Villa



The car journey back across the island was smoother than driving with Cassie had been. Her tension was every bit as acute, although this time for different reasons.

She sat still, barely breathing, achingly aware of Stefanos, right next to her.

She could feel the steady thud of her own heartbeat, the slow uncurling of warmth low in her body.

She wasn’t used to feeling like this. All her interactions with Mark had been controlled. Rational. Mark had been safe. Her emotions and composure had never been even remotely threatened, her feelings a steady, predictable hum, never hitting extreme highs or lows.

It was different with Stefanos. It wasn’t only his confidence or love of life that drew her to him, or even the fact that he had far too much sex appeal for one man. It went deeper than that. It was the way he teased out that side of her she’d hidden away, the way he knew her.

With him, there was no point in hiding because he saw who she was.

Since she’d reconnected with Stefanos, it was as if all her defenses had melted into a useless puddle.

Dear Dr. Swift, I’ve met this guy and he’s making me question everything about the way I live my life. I have always been cautious and protected myself, but I have a feeling that if I pursue this relationship, I could put at risk everything I’ve built.



She wondered how she’d answer a letter like that.

“You’re quiet. Are you all right?” Stefanos glanced at her briefly before returning his eyes to the road.

“I’m not sure. It’s been the strangest few days.” The events with her mother had left her feeling unsettled and vulnerable. She turned to look at him, focusing on the practical. “Thank you for coming to the hospital. You didn’t have to do that, but I’m glad you did.”

“So am I. And I’m pleased she is going to be fine. What happened?” His voice was deep and velvety smooth and she thought that she could listen to him all day and never grow tired of it.

And because it felt good to talk, she told him about Rob, and the details that her mother had shared with them, and he listened in silence until she’d finished.

“I suppose it explains a lot.”

“Yes.” She paused, thinking back to that time. “It’s the reason she never left Cassie alone. The reason she often left her with Maria. You guessed, didn’t you?”

“Not until I was older. And even then, I didn’t know for sure. My mother never talked about it. I just wondered occasionally whether Rob might not be all he seemed to be.”

Adeline leaned her head back against the seat. “I’m glad I finally know the truth. It has changed things.”

“You had a good conversation?”

“Yes. It felt different somehow. She was different. It feels as if I finally have my mother back.”

He reached across and took her hand. “I’m glad.”

She stared down at their hands, locked together. She felt the warmth of his fingers pressing against hers.

“You can drop me at the end of the road by the villa if you like. No need to take me all the way.”

There was a long pulsing silence. “Is that what you want?”

She didn’t know what she wanted.

Or maybe she did.

Stefanos waited. “You’ve had a stressful evening. You need to unwind before you try and sleep. Why don’t you come back to my place? We could have a late swim and something to drink on the terrace. I can drive you back later.”