Page 7 of Breed

“Please, let me go. I didn’t come down to the planet to be…” I can’t finish that sentence, not with the word they used.


He finishes it for me. His voice is deep and resonant, and he rolls the R ever so slightly in a way that makes my knees go fucking weak.

“Yes. That. I’m just here to try to get the captain, well, whichever captain, we need them back on board the ship. I didn’t want to… I wasn’t looking for… I really need to find the captains.”

He cocks his head slightly.


“Well, I think there’s going to be some kind of mass brawl, or I don’t know. Whatever you call a mutiny that follows a mutiny? Half the crew is drunk and the other half is on roller skates, and I’m just trying to make things work, you know?”

This is not a good explanation. Any verbal attempt at trying to describe the chaos on the ship is going to fall short. Plus, I am tongue-tied in front of this saurian who has now said the word bred to me and made all the muscles low in my belly and between my thighs clench in a very unladylike way.

He tilts his head back the other way, considering. His expression is neutral, but not unpleasant. He’s not being threatening, though his entire presence is intimidating. I have a weird and intrusive thought that makes me want to reach up and poke the tip of his shoulder spikes and see how sharp they are. I restrain the urge, but only just.

“Remove the suit,” he says.

It is a three-word order which makes me flush with intense heat all the way to my toes. I can’t imagine taking my clothes off in front of him. I can’t imagine what might happen after…

“I’d like to keep it on, please.”

He doesn’t say another word. He lowers his finger from beneath my chin. His thumb and forefinger find the zipper of my suit. He slowly, and deliberately draws it down.

I am not naked under my suit. A lot of my shipmates don’t wear clothing under it because it does grip pretty tight, but I like to wear a t-shirt, bra, and panties. He peels the suit from me, leaving me in that flimsy attire that seems to do nothing to hide me from him.

I want to resist being stripped. That suit has my communicator and a whole host of other useful survival items, not to mention instruments of chaos. However, at this point in our dealings with the saurians, we know they always take the suit — so I did not come entirely otherwise unprepared.

I find myself trembling as the layers of the protective garment peel away from my shoulders and chest. His eyes have not left mine. He is not curious about my body yet. For the moment, he is clearly more curious about the effect being slowly stripped has on me.

Having pulled the suit fastening down to my waist, he makes a quick gesture to indicate I should remove it. But I still don’t want to. I might want to less now than I did before. I wish I could disappear. One of the little tricks inside the suit would do that, if I had the chance to activate it. There hasn’t been a chance. He’s kept me under his watchful black eyes the entire time he’s had me. It’s so strange to be regarded by someone you can’t really look back at. Even stranger to feel as though that creature sees more of you than anyone else ever has.


She’s disobedient.

I’ve given her an order and she is refusing to follow it.

I expected as much. Humans are trouble. Everybody knows that. There’s a reason they need to be captured, tamed, and used. Thorn was the first to do it, but I know very well that all saurians who can will be swiftly following suit. Humans are a cross between a mate and a pet, fuckable little creatures whose wombs represent a rare opportunity in our culture. This young woman doesn’t understand how much trouble she is in just yet. But she will.

I do not like repeating myself. I don’t even like giving an order the first time.

This human is complicating matters in a way I can ill-afford. I will not tolerate any defiance whatsoever.

It is easy to pick her up, and to peel the remnants of her suit down her legs. She is wearing a few light scraps of clothing beneath the suit, but it is the suit itself I care about. She wriggles and makes soft sounds of protest as I take her repository of weapons and communication devices and whatever else hides in those pockets and folds. I feel her soft body warm against mine as I tip her over my knee in order to expedite the process. There is a moment in which the soft, very thin fabric of her undergarment pulls tight across her ass and the pouch between her legs. I am very keen to inspect her anatomy and see what is under there. For now, I must pay attention to the suit. It pulls off over her boots, leaving her in thick boots and small panties and a light shirt. She is very underdressed now and blushing at it. Modesty, how adorable, and how dramatically it is displayed on this creature. She turns bright red across her face and her upper chest as a reaction to being deprived of her outer clothing.

She has a very interesting scent. I try not to pay too much attention to it, because I cannot afford the distraction, but the way she smells makes my cock rise with mating ardor. There were rumors that humans smelled bad, but this one does not smell bad at all. This one smells like sex and adventure, like the unknown and the conquerable. It is a scent I suspect is now lodged deep inside my mind for all time.

I deposit her back on her feet and turn my attention to the suit. This is a truly impressive collection of human technology. I know that the alpha and the enforcer are both still trying to work out all the secrets of the contents of these pirate suits, and I know that most of the secrets are still intact. There is a lot we do not know, and the human captives are showing very little inclination to explain. They are good at keeping their secrets, even under intense erotic interrogation.

“Be careful with that,” she says. There is a tremor in her voice, and I hear concern in her tone. She is scared to speak to me, but she is warning me of potential harm anyway. That’s quite sweet. I turn to look at her.

“There’s a lot that can go wrong if you poke around in those things,” she says. “Everybody sets theirs up differently. Mine isn’t safe.”

I nod. I assume she will not give me more information as to what to avoid. She’s just giving me a warning that if I explore it, I will find myself in peril. That is a pity. I know there is so much in the suit that I would find fascinating and useful and that would elevate me by making me more dangerous than I already am. I am holding a set of tools that could change my life forever, and I can’t use them because the results of doing so without understanding them are potentially lethal.

“Tell me how…”