Page 15 of Breed

“I’m a captive! I’m supposed to rebel, and sneak, and escape.” Her cheeks puff out a little with her indignation. She really is quite a sweet looking thing in some respects. Her smaller stature and the shape of her face and neck make her voice higher and softer than any saurian tones. Even when she is trying to sound aggressive, she simply ends up sounding cute.

“You’re a captive. You’re supposed to bend to the will of your master,” I correct her. I don’t usually talk this much, but the human has a way of drawing speech out of me. There is a necessity to communicate with her in a way that isn’t necessary with most saurians.

“I don’t think I’m very good at bending to wills.”

“You came down to the surface to attempt to get one of the female captains back?”


“Because you want them to come up and give orders?”

“Well, yes.”

She does not seem to understand what she wants — what she craves.

“You want to be told what to do. You want to be put in your place and kept in it.”

“Mostly I want everybody else in their place,” she says, quite without guile. She keeps arguing with me, but I don’t get the sense she understands that answering me back is wrong. I don’t think these humans are trained in any proper behavior. From what I have heard and observed, the females coming down from the ship hiding in our skies are universally wild. I am impressed that any captain managed to keep order of any kind at any time.

“You’ve lost the privilege of clothing,” I tell her. “If you had left the suit where I told you to leave it, I would have allowed you the luxury of your undergarments. But you decided to steal it from my safe, and now you will be kept nude.”

Her eyes widen, and her face turns a bright red hue. It seems to be a sign of embarrassment. Interesting, given she is not yet stripped. Even the anticipation of such treatment seems to frighten and concern her.

“Please don’t do that. You won’t like what you see.”

“It is not a matter of liking what I see. It is a matter of punishing you in a way that fits the crime. Take those clothes off, Lettie.”

I notice the way she swallows when I say her name. I think she likes it.

Lettie has already complicated matters for me greatly. I was beginning to blend in among Wrath’s crew. I had been taken into his inner circle, having proved myself. Now I have the responsibility of this human, and it needs to seem as though I am intent on ravaging her and breeding her. All of Wrath’s warriors carry out his will without question. In his world, loyalty is the most important quality. I am loyal, though not to the cruel criminal mind who seeks to use this human and others like her as pawns in his master plan.

Lettie’s disobedience might very well play into the deception, however. She deserves to be punished. She deserves to be stripped and thrashed and then claimed. And I want to fuck her. I want to fuck her as much as I have ever wanted to fuck anybody.

She undresses reluctantly and slowly, drawing out the torture for herself. Every little motion she makes reveals a little more skin. First she takes off the shirt, which reveals a full, lovely belly and two swelling breasts kept just barely contained inside a bra against which they strain. Both the bra and panties are pink, which is a very cute color on her. I intend to make quite a bit of her pink very soon.

“The under, undergarments as well,” I prompt.

She hesitates, dithering as to whether or not she is going to take off the bra or the panties first. Which part of her anatomy is the most shameful to expose, I wonder? It seems that there’s a battle going on inside her, a battle that her bra loses. She removes it one strap at a time, and finally I see the glory of human mammaries on display. They are quite generous and round and tipped with light pink nipples. I know humans are made to feed their young, but I did not understand how very appealing their mammaries are in an aesthetic sense.

“The rest of it,” I prompt.

The panties are shoved down quickly. I see very little more of her body when they are gone, because there is a thick pelt of dark curling hair covering anything that might be of interest to me. I will inspect her thoroughly in due course. For now, I am enjoying watching her suffer the embarrassment of exposure. It is no less than she deserves.

Lettie cringes in front of me, her hands covering her body as best they can as she contends with the horror of being nude. She has a modest temperament, which I do find quite appealing. My tastes tend to the conservative, I suppose. They also tend to the twisted, and knowing that she finds it shameful to bare herself for me convinces me that this is a right and proper course of action.

“Please don’t look at me. I’m too…”

“Too what, human?”


She says something else, but I miss the word because it is swallowed in a whisper.

“Too what?”

“Fat,” she mumbles, the word barely audible.

Now that I have heard her, I find it barely makes any more sense than it did before.