Page 16 of Breed

“Too fat?”

“Yes,” she whimpers, stubbing her booted toe at the floor. “I’m fat.”


He is staring at me in confusion, as if I just said my hair was too brown, or my eyes were too… well, brown, I guess.


“So… it’s not. It’s…” It’s very hard to explain things I don’t like about myself to this alien male who clearly does not share my cultural references or have any understanding of why I’d be sensitive about my body.

“Move your hands. I want to see all of you properly displayed. If you will not show me what I now own, I will tie you down spread open, and it will be a much more painful, shameful experience.”

I don’t want to make that threat manifest, so I reluctantly move my hands. One finger at a time, my body comes into view of his void black eyes. I glance at his face briefly, but I don’t want to see his expression. I don’t want to know what his judgement is.

“There,” I say as my hands move down to my sides and lose the last elements that protected me from the humiliation of my nakedness.

“You are soft.”

“You mean fat.” If I say it first, he won’t have the chance to.

“You keep saying that word as though it means something bad.”

He starts to walk around, looking at me. Seeing every inch of me, and then… touching me.

I feel his hand splayed across my naked ass. I have always felt too big, but he makes me feel small. He is huge. He is built as though nature wanted him to do nothing but fight and gore his enemies. I was made to avoid predators and survive hard times. That’s fortunate, because this is a hard time.

I know there’s nothing wrong with my body type, it’s just that it’s always women like Sullivan and Raine who seem to get all the attention. I can’t say I’m missing out on any attention right now though. I have Shan’s full, intense attention.

“You are beautiful,” he says. “Far more so than I dared imagine any human could be. I thought…”


“I thought I would find any female without scales unsightly, but your skin is quite perfect.”

At first I think he’s just trying to make me feel better. Then I consider the fact that Shan doesn’t seem like the type to make anybody feel better. His tone is one of fascination and wonder as he draws his fingers slowly across my skin, tracing the line of my hip, and then the curve of my belly, then up, to my breasts. I suck in a breath as my nipples harden at the touch of his powerful, green scaled hands. He cups and holds them, squeezing lightly. A moan escapes me as a bolt of excitement races down between my legs, igniting the nerves in my clit.

He is inspecting me with his gaze and with his hands. Judging by the expression on his alien face, which has so many similarities to a human one, I feel as though he is finding me very pleasing indeed. I am astonished to please him in this way.

“You are very appealing,” he intones, saying the words as if handing down some kind of sentence. I have been judged, but not found wanting. He leans down, putting his lips very close to my ear.

“I have some bad news for you,” he rumbles. “You are very ravagable, and you are in a lot of trouble.”

“Because I have nice skin?” I squeak the question.

“Because you broke into my safe and nearly exploded yourself, along with the rest of my room.”

“Oh. That.”

“Yes,” he growls. “That.”

For a moment, he seems to be as he was when I first met him, that taciturn saurian who barely said a word to me. But I am already seeing other sides to him. He is passionate, and he is sexually intense, and he makes me feel like the sexiest creature on the planet when he touches me. His hands are still on me, one cupping my ass, the other tracing light patterns across my lower belly with the tips of his fingers. He is trying to get me to feel sorry, but I don’t feel sorry at all. I feel a rare excitement pulsing through me as the fingers on my stomach dip lower between my thighs, and the flat of his palm presses warmly against the lower curve of my stomach.

“You are a bad girl, Lettie,” he says. “But I am going to make sure you are good for me.”

He sits down on his only slightly charred bed, and I feel the scales on his thighs press against the soft skin of my legs as he pins me over his lap. These saurians are built on a much bigger scale than humans, and that means neither my fingers nor my toes touch the ground when he has me over his knee. My ass is perched up high over his leg, my hips and belly following the hard curve of his thigh. I have not felt this connected or this vulnerable in a long time. When he speaks he does so with a formality that belies the filthy threat of his words.

“Your behavior today was disgraceful. You are going to be punished and you are going to be bred. Do you understand?"