A heavy knock on the door startled all of us.

I could hear the voice of the Sherriff announcing his presence, and that of the Earl. Suddenly there were shouts from outside, and the sound of people beating on the walls.

Chapter Fifteen - Judgment

THERE WAS NOTHING TO BE DONE BUT TO OPEN THEdoor, and at once we saw the Sherriff still on his mount, surrounded by soldiers, and a man who could be none other than the Earl, on foot beside his mount, and with what appeared to be his own guard of several mounted men. Godwin went directly into his brother's arms, and holding his brother's face in his hand spoke to him intently under his breath.

The Sherriff waited on this.

A crowd began to gather of rather rough-looking individuals, some with clubs in their hands, and the Sherriff immediately ordered his men to drive them back in a harsh voice.

Two of the Dominicans were there and several of the white-robed cathedral priests. And it seemed the crowd was gaining size by the moment.

A gasp went up from the whole assemblage as Rosa stepped out of the house and threw back the hood on her mantle.

Her grandfather had also come out, and so had the stocky Jewish man, whose name I never learned. He stood close to Rosa as if to guard her and so did I.

Conversations broke out everywhere, and I could hear the name "Lea" repeated over and over.

Then one of the Dominicans, a young man, said in an iron voice, "Is it Lea, or is it her sister, Rosa?"

The Sherriff, obviously feeling that he had waited as long as he could, said:

"My Lord," to the Earl, "we should go up now to the castle and settle this matter. The Bishop is waiting for us in the great hall."

A groan of disappointment rose from the crowd. But at once the Earl kissed Rosa on both cheeks, and demanding one of his soldiers dismount, placed her on the horse, and proceeded to lead the gathering towards the castle.

Godwin and I remained close throughout the long walk to the castle mound and then up the winding road until we all passed through the archway and into the castle courtyard.

As the men dismounted, I gained the Earl's attention by tugging on his sleeve.

"Have one of your men go for the cart that's behind Meir's house. It's wise to have it ready here at the gates when Meir and Fluria are released."

He nodded to this, motioned for one of his soldiers, and sent the man out on the errand.

"You can be sure," the Earl said to me, "they will travel out of here with me and my guard surrounding them."

I was relieved at this, as he had some eight soldiers with him, all with beautiful caparisoned mounts, and he himself did not seem in the least anxious or afraid. He received Rosa in his arms, and put his arm around her as we proceeded under the archway and into the great hall of the castle.

I hadn't seen this vast room on my earlier visit, and at once I saw that a court had been convened.

At the elevated table that commanded the room stood the Bishop and on either side of him the cathedral priests and more of the Dominicans including Fr. Antoine. I saw Fr. Jerome of the cathedral was there, and he looked miserable over the proceedings.

More gasps of amazement went up as Rosa was led forward to face the Bishop to whom she bowed humbly as did everyone present, including the Earl.

The Bishop, a younger man than I might have expected, and fully dressed in his miter and taffeta robes, at once gave the order for Meir and Fluria, and the Jew, Isaac, and his family, to be brought down at once from their rooms in the tower.

"All the Jews are to be brought down," he finally said.

Many of the rougher men were now inside, as well as some women and children. And tougher men who hadn't been allowed admittance were making their voices heard, until the Bishop ordered one of his men to go silence them.

That's when I realized that a row of armed guards behind the Bishop were obviously his own soldiers.

I was shaking and I did my best to conceal it.

Out of one of the anterooms came Lady Margaret, obviously dressed for the occasion in impressive silks, and, with her, Little Eleanor, who was crying.

In fact, Lady Margaret was near to tears herself.

And when Rosa now threw back her hood and bowed to the Bishop, voices rose all around us.

"Silence," the Bishop declared.

I was terrified. I had never seen anything quite as impressive as this court, with so many assembled, and I could only hope and pray that the various contingents of soldiers might keep order.

The Bishop was clearly angry.

Rosa stood before him with Godwin to one side and Earl Nigel to the other.

"You see now, My Lord," said Earl Nigel, "that the child is hale and hearty and has returned, with great difficulty given her recent illness, to make her presence known to you."

The Bishop sat down, in his great backed chair, but he was the only one to do so. We were pressed forward by the increasing crowd as many worked their way into the audience.

Lady Margaret and Nell stared at the figure of Rosa. And then Rosa dissolved into tears and laid her head on Godwin's shoulder.

Lady Margaret drew closer and then gently took the shoulder of the girl, and she said, "Are you indeed the child I so tenderly loved? Or are you her twin sister?"

"My lady," said Rosa, "I've come back, leaving my twin sister in Paris, only to prove to you that I am alive." She began to sob. "I am so distressed that my defection has caused misery to my mother and father. Can't you understand why I left in the quiet of the night? I was bound to join my sister, not only in Paris, but in her Christian faith, and would not bring disgrace openly upon my father and mother."

This she said in the most deeply affecting manner, and it silenced Lady Margaret entirely.

"Then you do solemnly swear," declared the Bishop, his voice ringing out, "that you are the child whom these people knew, and not the twin of that child, come here to mask the fact of your sister's murder?"

A great murmur went up from those assembled.

"My Lord Bishop," said the Earl, "do I not know the two children who are under my guardianship? This is Lea, and she is ill once more for having made this difficult journey."

But suddenly everyone was distracted by the appearance of the Jews who'd been kept prisoner. Meir and Fluria came first into the room, and after them Isaac, the physician, and the several other Jews, easily recognized for their badges but nothing else, who clustered together.

Rosa at once broke from the Earl and ran to her mother. She embraced her tearfully and said loud enough to hear:

"I have caused you disgrace and unspeakable pain and I'm sorry for it. My sister and I have nothing but love for you, no matter that we've been baptized into the Christian faith, and how can you and Meir forgive me?"