A whimper slipped past her trembling lips when she saw his erection jutting proudly against the muscled tightness of his belly.

Was it truly meant to be that long?

That hard?

That thick?

She had never really looked at her own womanhood, but...

“I don’t think you’ll fit,” Poppy blurted out. “There’s this J-Drama I saw on Netflix, and—”



“I’ll make it work.”

There was just something about the way he said it, and the way he had also stared at her when he said the words—

She couldn’t explain it.

All she knew was that she had never felt this turned on her entire life.

And he knew it.

Oh, he so, so knew it, with the way his nostrils flared as he caught the musky scent of her desire.

“I can smell how much you want me, Poppy.”

And now he was staring at her, his lust-filled gaze devouring the way her breasts had grown swollen with their rosy tips all puckered up as if begging to be suckled.


She hadn’t planned to beg. But she wasn’t surprised to hear the word tumble past her lips. She just wanted him so, so much, and it was all she could do not to sob when he finally joined her in bed.


Poppy could no longer stop herself from begging him again and again, and another cry escaped her when his huge, hard body settled over hers. Every inch of her flesh was craving for contact. Burning for his touch and aching for his possession.

“P-Please, Valerian—”

His name turned out to be a magic word. It seemed as if that was what he had been waiting for all this time, and as soon as she had choked his name out—


He was finally kissing her.


All she could do was writhe and rake his back with her nails as his mouth began its tortuously fiery descent.

He sucked on the side of her neck so, so hard that he had her seeing stars by the time he left his mark on her flesh. And when he finally started sucking on her nipple, her body immediately buckled—it was the most excruciating pleasure, and she was close to passing out when he moved to her other nipple to devour her anew.

Flames of need had completely consumed her flesh by the time his mouth reached the soaking wetness between her legs, and Poppy could only cry his name out when he suddenly parted her folds open before thrusting his tongue inside of her.


It was just too, too much, but he wouldn’t let her go at all. The thrusts of his tongue were relentless and deep, and all she could do was grip the bed sheet to keep herself from accidentally touching the back of his head.