“At all. Like seriously, please stop smiling.”

“I was just replaying certain memories in my mind,” Poppy confessed. “Valerian called last night—”

“I’d be more surprised if he doesn’t at this point.” Honestly, Heather was still a little shocked at how much her brother had changed. He used to hate spending even a single minute talking to his ex-girlfriend on the phone. The new Valerian, however, had taken to calling his wife every few hours.

“And he was just so sweet—”

Heather was momentarily distracted when she saw Poppy’s phone’s screen light up with an incoming message.


She closed her eyes, thinking she must’ve read it wrong.

“I can explain.”

Heather’s eyes flew open, and the guilty expression on Poppy’s face said it all.

“Does Valerian know?”

“Not yet. But he will,” Poppy promised.

“Is this the first time...”

Poppy shook her head, and Heather’s unease grew. “You should really come clean about this soon. Valerian hates being lied to.”

“I know. And I’ve always meant to tell him. I just need more time to plan things. But in the meantime...”

Heather could only sigh, knowing what was being asked of her. “I get it. And you have my word. I won’t say anything about this to Valerian, but...I’m serious, Poppy. The sooner you tell him, the better.”


HEATHER’S WORDS LOOMED over Poppy’s head like a stormy cloud as she headed back to the salon after lunch. This was the time she would’ve loved to bury herself in work, but business proved to be slower than usual, which then left Poppy alone with her thoughts.

Heather was usually the unflappable type, Poppy reflected uneasily while making herself coffee in the pantry. It was weird and extremely worrying to see the other woman acting the opposite.

All she had wanted was to help Valerian, and this was her only chance to do so. But maybe she should simply play it safe and call the whole thing off?

Giovanni suddenly showed up by the doorway as he poked his head in. “I’ve got a VIP waiting for you in Room 4. Don’t keep him waiting.”

Poppy hurriedly cleaned up before rushing out of the pantry. The availability of private suites was one of the things that made Salon Joyieux different from the competition, and Room 4, in particular, was the largest and most expensive suite they had to offer.

She quickly tied her apron strings around her body and pasted a smile on her face before knocking on the door. “Bonjour. I’m Poppy, and I’ll be your stylist for today. May I come in?”

Her only answer was hearing the door unlock, and Poppy decided to take it as a yes.

She let herself in, and—aaah!

Poppy’s gasp disappeared in her husband’s kiss, and the next thing she knew, he had her back against the wall, and aaaaaah...

Was this why her subconscious mind had insisted on her wearing a dress to work instead of her usual shirt and jeans? Had it been connected to Valerian at some secret level, and this was its way of making sure her husband had the easiest time ripping her panties off, and—


His tongue drove deep into her mouth the same time his oh-so-huge cock thrust just as deep into her pussy, whose swollen folds were already soaking wet with need.

He slammed into her again and again, and she could not get enough of it.

It didn’t seem like there was any room for more pleasure in her body, but when she felt him suddenly squeezing her breast and pinching her nipple—