"Have you no guile at all?"
"Never mind. The fact that you have to think about it is answer enough."
"I'm sorry?"
"Don't be. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I've just realized that it's what I like the most about you."
Poppy started pinching herself. He likes me? That was what he said. Wasn't it?
Chapter Thirteen
A week had passed since news of political upheaval in Risto had broken out. All eyes had been on him since, but while Valerian had succeeded in keeping his activities under wraps, it was not without cost.
For so many years now, the world had been fascinated and mystified by his seeming passion for extreme sports. Many had assumed it was a whim of his, but nothing could be farther from the truth.
Bungee jumping, cliff diving, and the like had been Valerian's way of keeping his sanity while working under pressure. And even though not everyone in the corporate world had thought his activities appropriate, Valerian could afford to ignore whatever they had to say.
In the past, he still had everyone's respect and billions of dollars at his disposal.
But now, he had neither.
All the enemies he had made had crawled out of the woodwork and were now gleefully scrutinizing and criticizing his every move. If it was Valerian alone who stood to lose from his company's bankruptcy, he wouldn't have given a fuck about what people thought of him.
But that was not the case at all.
Thousands depended on him for their livelihoods. There were also a handful of investors and stockholders who had felt the need to show their support for him, even though Valerian had never asked them to do so.
For these people's sakes, Valerian had striven hard to do what was proper and expected of a "staid" businessman. But with each passing day, he had also felt his control slipping more and more.
Heather had forced him to see his old therapist, but the latter hadn't anything new to say.
I warned you about this years ago, Mr. Rossfield. Not all coping mechanisms are sustainable in the long run. Our goal must be to overcome what's holding us back instead of finding ways to live with it.