Page 13 of Gypsy Angel

“That wasn’t the dude whose nose you wound up riding while he was eating you out, was it?” Pratt asked, causing the women in the SUV to break out into gales of laughter.

“I think it was. I remember her bitching about that one.” York answered, pretending to think about that one.

“Fuck all of you!” Diesel mumbled, causing more laughter as they pulled up to the courthouse.

“Something tells me that from the way you were walking the other morning, the dick you got from Viper classifies as damn good dick. Especially if it made you walk funny the next morning and it still felt like he was there.” Rameriez winked at Diesel as Highlander and Marcus approached the SUV to help the women out of it.

“Hear, hear. That’s damn good dick for sure! Speaking of, here comes mine to help us in the courthouse.” Pratt winked at Diesel as she opened the door.

“Hello lovely, beautiful lasses! Hello to ye my beautiful, sexy wife!” Highlander said, helping Pratt out of the vehicle, pulling her in for a brief, passionate kiss.

“Show off!” Marcus mumbled as he opened the front passenger door for Raso, helping her out.

Diesel couldn’t help but laugh when Marcus pulled Raso into his arms, before dipping her as he kissed her heatedly. The group started laughing as Raso started chuckling along with Marcus when his teammates whistled.

Diesel walked up to Highlander and placed her hand on his arm. “Can I talk to you for a moment please, privately?”

“Go, I’ll be over here with the group.” Pratt assured her husband and Diesel, winking at them both before giving Highlander a quick kiss.

“Everything ok, lass?” Highlander asked, blocking Diesel from the traffic, keeping her back to the SUV.

“Joker…” Diesel started, hesitating, not sure how to ask the question.

“Samuel will be fine. No, he’s not going to be here. I’m honestly not sure what’s going on with him lately. He’s been acting off for a few months now. It has nothing to do with ye. Personally, and the rest of the team feel the same way since they were brought in on what happened last night. They know ye are in danger and need their help. I did let them know what transpired last night. Even they say he’s been off ever since the mission before last, and we can’t put our finger on it.”

“Take care of him. Let him know I’ll always be here as a friend. Our time as more than friends just ran its course. I’ll always care for him, and I’ll always be there for him, but he deserves to find someone who will love him…” Diesel had to look away before the tears started up again.

Highlander pulled Diesel into his arms and held onto her for a bit. “Ye are family, lass. Never doubt that. No matter what happened between ye and Joker. Just like he will be family no matter what. Just be patient and all will be fine.”

Diesel nodded, holding on to Highlander for a few more moments before pulling away. “Ok, let’s get this over with. I have a daughter to find.”


Viper watched as Highlander and Diesel spoke to each other privately. He prayed that everything was ok, even though he wasn’t a religious man. What religion he believed in, he gave up when his sister went missing.

“Stand down snake man!” Pratt murmured beside Viper, patting his forearm. “She’s making sure everything is good between her, Joe, and his team. They knew that there was a fuck buddy deal between her and Joker. Since they weren’t privy to what happened last night, she wanted to make sure they aren’t mad at her about today.”

“Is there a problem?” Viper asked, glancing down at Pratt, eyes narrowed.

“Stow your fangs oh venomous one. Joe is assuring her there are no problems. The teams first question was if she was ok and what did they need to do to protect her. She’s family to them just like she’s family to us.”

“He’s not going to be here today, is he?” Viper asked, sighing deeply, turning back to watch Diesel and Highlander talking.

“No. The team thinks it’s for the best. While they can’t talk about their missions, Joe said that their mission before last apparently messed with Joker’s head. They can’t figure out what happened and he’s not talking about it with anyone. Apparently, that’s when he started keeping the skank he’s with now.”

Viper chuckled at Pratt’s last statement. “You ladies do not like that girl, do you?”

“Look, I get it. Men are ho’s just like women are. I’m also a firm believer that when you’re in a relationship with someone, or you say the ‘L’ word to the person you’re with, you don’t fuck around on them with someone else while they are deployed. Joker, for all his man whoreness is a damn good guy. He’s been faithful, even though the bitch doesn’t deserve it. We know she’s only with him because he’s a SEAL. Her actions while he’s deployed proves that.”

“I can totally understand that.” Viper said, watching his men scan the area. “Has anyone seen a photo of this Krieger person?

Viper watched as Pratt pulled her phone out and pulled up her messaging app. “What’s your number? I’ll send you what Brody found last night. He and Oz did some heavy digging. He sent us a photo of Krieger that they were able to find so we knew who to be on the lookout for.”

Viper gave Pratt his number and pulled out his phone when it dinged, letting him know he had a message. When he looked at the photo, he sent it to the men he had with him today to make sure they knew who to be on the lookout for.

“What do you know about the Golden Fang MC?” Pratt asked out of nowhere.

“Enough that you ladies do not need to be digging into them.” Viper said, turning to look at Pratt, staring down at her hard. “Why?”