There was nothingunsureor tentative in his kiss.The last barriers between them had melted away, and in that moment, there was only the two of them and a connection that felt pure and rare.He wasn’t religious, but suddenly, he felt like he could be.Someone had to be watching out for him, guiding him to this place he shouldn’t be, with this man he shouldn’t love.Because he did love him. He felt it deep in his soul, in a way he’d never experienced before when he’d been playing atromance.Derek Owens was everything Briar could never be, and yet, there was something about him that felt like amirror.
“I’d do anything for you,” he blurted, clasping Derek’s unshaven cheeks between hispalms.“I want you somuch.”
Derek’s smile was crooked. “You’ve already got me,” he saidcynically.“However little I can giveyou.”
“I wouldn’t exactly say little,” Briar quipped, reaching between them to palm the hard bulge behind Derek’s zipper.
Derek chuckled, a low rumble that shivered down Briar’s spine, but it morphed into a groan when Briar ground down on him with the heel of his hand. Heat pooled in Briar’s lower belly, turning him loose and boneless.It was so easy to slide off Derek’s lap and melt into a puddle at his feet.
“You don’t have to,” Derek protested, threading his fingers in Briar’s hair and holding him back.
“Oh, I want to,” Briar insisted, licking his lips in anticipation.He had the terrible suspicion that most of Derek’s previous lovers had regarded it as some unpleasant chore, and it made him irrationally angry.
This man deserved to be treated like he was something special, to be shown how much he was wanted and desired.It was about time someone loved and accepted him just for who he was—not what he could offer others.
“I want to taste you so bad,” Briar promised, holding Derek’s gaze and unsnapping the top button on his pants.“Ever since that first night when I realized how beautifully you fill out your jeans.”
Derek hissed as Briar opened his fly and released him.Briar let out an appreciative sigh, cupping his erection in both hands and playing with the impressive length.The head was plump and round, flushed a deep red hue, and already glistening in a way that made Briar’s mouth water. Briar leaned closer, entranced, and ghosted his warm breath over the swollen tip.
He didn’t think Derek was breathing.He seemed frozen, transfixed, as Briar parted his lips and swallowed him down.
“Fuck.” Derek’s breath gusted out of him all at once.
Briar let out a happy hum, tracing the engorged veins of the shaft with his tongue.The silky texture of Derek’s skin against the roof of his mouth was intoxicating.Briar loved the taste of him, a unique combination of salt, sweat, and musk that set his blood aflame.His own arousal was growing with each passing second; his dick was leaking against the silky fabric of his underwear.But he didn’t touch himself. It didn’t even cross his mind.He was focused solely on Derek, anxious to fill him with so much pleasure that it somehow made up for the years of deprivation he’d suffered.
Even with his jaw stretched wide, he could still only fit half of Derek’s shaft in his mouth, so he wrapped his fingers around the base and stroked in time with his suction.With his free hand, he fondled Derek's heavy balls, gently rolling them between his fingers.He listened with satisfaction as Derek's breath grew ragged.A raw, desperate moan kept catching in the back of Derek's throat, driving him wild.
Derek's fingers threaded through Briar's hair, cradling his skull, but he didn’t force Briar down.Briar could sense the restraint in his powerful hands; he could feel the tremors running through his arms.Without hesitation, Briar took a deep breath and consciously relaxed, wedging Derek’s thick cock halfway down his throat.
“So deep, Briar,” Derek gasped, his voice strained.“Keep going.”
Briar eagerly tried to obey, but he was already choking on it.His tongue was pinned by the pulsating girth.He couldn’t even moan—couldn’t make a sound apart from the sloppy wet noise as he dragged his mouth up and down Derek's cock, faster and faster, until he could barely breathe.
Derek’s thighs were trembling. Briar shoved Derek’s t-shirt halfway up his chest to expose his flat stomach, smoothing his hand over his bronze, quivering abs. He wished desperately that he could reach the dusky peak of his exposed nipples.He wanted to explore every piece of him, show him what a miracle his body was and how sensitive it was to a man’s touch.
A new challenge emerged, one that Briar was excited to explore.
He let go of Derek's balls and reached further back, searching for the spot that would push him over the edge.His fingers stroked over the silky-smooth skin of Derek's taint, dancing over the hyper-sensitive flesh that guarded his entrance.Derek's reaction was immediate.He shouted, shuddering like he was about to break apart.
“Yes, right there,” Derek panted, his voice cracking.“Don't stop, Briar, please.”
Egged on by Derek's passion, Briar increased his pace, his hand moving in rhythm with his mouth.He sucked and licked, reveling in the way Derek’s shaft twitched and pulsed with each stroke.The taste of sweat, salt, and man filled his mouth, driving him wild with lust.
Derek’s rough breathing grew louder.Veins stood out in stark relief all over his body, ridges mapping a path of desire beneath his skin.His pulse raced visibly in his throat, and his knuckles were white as he gripped the arms of the rocking chair.
With a final deep suck, Briar pulled off his cock.Derek’s hips bucked, chasing him, but it was too late.His orgasm struck. His eyes widened, his breath hitched, and he cried out in a near-deafening roar as his climax surged.White-hot jets of come erupted, coating Briar's face, neck, and chest in sticky, warm ropes.
Briar let out a satisfied moan.He couldn't help himself. He felt powerful and victorious as he milked the last few drops from Derek’s spent cock.He swiped at a smear of fluid that felt dangerously close to his eye and licked it from his fingertips, savoring the taste.
Derek watched him with greedy eyes.
“I’ve wanted to do that for you for so long,” Briar said, grinningfiercely.His voice was shredded and his throat hurt, but he didn’tcare.“Was itgood?”
“It was fantastic,” Derek husked, grabbing Briar by the arms and tugging him up into his lap.“But too quick. I’ll last longer thistime.”
Briar’s eyes widened. “Y-you don’t haveto—”
“Shhh,” Derek shushed him, nibbling on the tender line of hiscollarbone.“I want to take my time now. I want to enjoyyou.Letme.”