Page 14 of Forfeits

“Oh,” I said, “Hi, Aiden.”

His smile widened. “You remember my name.”

I found myself returning his smile. “Did you forget mine?”

“Actually, no. I didn’t. It’s Fletcher.”

“That’s right. So why did you call me—?”

He laughed, glancing down. “I thought it was cute to call you Lucy’s Dad. Was it?”


“Yes!” he said, making a triumphant gesture. “Look… I forgot to give Lucy her test back,” Aiden said, holding it up. “A-minus. She’s killing it.”

My heart filled with pride.

“Thanks. She’s bright.”

Aiden nodded and handed me the test. “Does she get that from you?”

“Huh, maybe. More from…someone else.”

“Yeah? Her…mother?” he asked, raising his eyebrows, hopeful for some clarification of my status.

“No. My late husband,” I replied, feeling my heart break for about the thousandth time since I’d lost Daniel but glad to clear things up for him. I wanted him to know I was single.

But Aiden frowned and his cheeks reddened. “Oh, my God, I’m so sorry.”

“It’s fine. Do you know where Lucy is?”

“Yes, she’s by the flagpole with Cassandra. I swear, those two girls are joined at the hip.”

“Cassandra’s been an amazing friend to Lucy.”

“Yeah, I know,” Aiden said, gazing at the girls then looking at me. “I was going to ask you…” he said, then looked away nervously. “Never mind.”

We stood there in silence for a moment.

“I lost my husband three years ago,” I said.

“That must have been rough…for you and for Lucy.”

“Yes, it was. It still is. But…life goes on.” I shrugged, as if that sentence could contain all the grief and pain we’d gone through since Daniel’s passing. One thing you learned pretty quick with a loss like that—words were pretty fucking inadequate most of the time.

Aiden nodded. “I suppose that’s true.”

“What were you going to ask me?” I asked, glancing to see Lucy and Cassandra still laughing together. They looked so young and carefree, and part of me wished I was Lucy’s age instead of forty-one. I turned back to Aiden.

I was struck again by his beauty—then by his next question.

“I’m…I’m Lucy’s supply teacher for another two weeks, then I’m going to a different school. And I was…I was wondering if you might want to go out for dinner at that point?” He looked awkward and embarrassed, and he glanced at his shoes, then back up at me. The hopeful expression on his face was adorable. “I probably shouldn’t even be ask—”


He looked so shocked it made me smile. “Really?”
