“Hold on. Let me sit. When did they drop this on you?”
“Last week. You know they won’t be able to take her away from me. I’ve spoken to a lawyer.”
“Thank God.”
“Yes. But…Catherine…I don’t want Lucy to know, and I don’t want to get into a ridiculous battle that they’re going to lose. It seems so…ridiculous and useless.”
“Oh, Fletcher. I’m so sorry.”
“I was actually wondering…if maybe you could speak to them? I tried to explain that it was pointless and would just be hurtful to Lucy and me. But Annie is determined…”
“Oh God. Fletcher, I’ll do what I can. But I have to tell you…when Mom gets something into her head that she thinks is ‘the right thing to do’, it’s really hard to dissuade her.” Catherine explained. “Normally, that’s a good thing. But in this case…”
“Thank you. Maybe if you can explain, and it’s not just me desperately trying to get them to change their minds.”
“I’ll do my best.”
“Thank you so much. I owe you big time for this.”
“You don’t owe me anything. I’m sorry my parents are being dicks.”
I felt better, now that I knew I had Catherine on my side. But I wondered if it would make any difference.
* * * *
Lucy adored Robin from the moment he stepped into the house.
“Well, hello, there, Daddy,” he said, looking me over with a wink. “Where’s the little one?”
Lucy, admiring Robin’s red and black winter coat, laughed at the ‘Daddy’ reference then frowned.
“I’m twelve,” she stated.
Robin looked at her with the sort of amicable disdain that only he could convey. “And I’m twenty-four. Twice your age and just as bratty. Hello, Lucy.”
She couldn’t help but be charmed.
“Hi,” she said, with a tentative smile.
“Lucy, this is Robin. He works with Patrick.”
“At the sex club?”
Robin narrowed his eyes and gazed from Lucy to me.
“What on Earth has your daddy been telling you? Molly’s is not a sex club. It is a very sophisticated, artistic, bohemian enclave.”
“A…what now?” Lucy asked.
“An enclave. Google it, child.”
Normally, if anyone had had the audacity to call Lucy a ‘child’, they’d have got an earful. Robin got a giggle and a begrudging, “Fine.”
I gave him props for not being intimidated. Then again, this was Robin.
“I’ll give you my contact information, in case of an emergency,” I said, as Robin took off his fancy coat and held it out.
I stared at it for a second and glanced at Robin. He raised his eyebrows.