Page 88 of Forfeits

“Because a bedroom is for sleeping. And…other things.”

“Sure. And now we can watch TV.”

“I don’t want to watch TV in the bedroom,” I said.

“You know,” Daniel said, giving me a lustful glance. “It’s also a cover for those other things you mentioned, so that Lucy doesn’t hear anything when we’re…you know.”

When Aiden answered my call at the other end, he was laughing and talking to someone. It took me by surprise, and I felt a surge of unexpected jealousy.

“That’s not what I meant,” he said to whomever was there. “Hey, babe.”

“Hi,” I said. “Sorry to interrupt.” The endearment helped me to push my jealous reaction down a bit.

“No worries. My buddy, Tyler, is here and he’s being very annoying.”

“Fuck off! You love it,” said Tyler from across the room.

“Oh. You’ve mentioned him. He’s another teacher, right? And he’s in your band?” I said, eager to place the strange man in my boyfriend’s apartment.

“Yeah. He’s the drummer. We’re having beers and exchanging strategies. Tyler and his wife just had a baby, so he wanted to get out of the house and away from the chaos for a bit.”

“Oh! What about his poor wife?”

“Good point. What about Marie? Did you just leave her in the trenches?”

Tyler said something that I didn’t hear.

“He says she went out last night. They’re taking turns.”

“Commendable. I remember those days.”

“I…do not. But from everything I hear, I’m glad I’ve avoided it so far.”

So far? “So far?”

There was a pregnant pause. “Really, Fletcher? You want to discuss this on the phone?”

“Discuss what?”

Another pause. “Would you ever have more kids? Or is one enough?”

What…is happening?

I couldn’t think of anything to say. I cleared my throat. “Pardon?”

I heard Tyler laughing in the background.

“I haven’t absolutely ruled out having kids myself. But it’s not something I need.”

“Aiden,” I said, “are we really at a point in our relationship to discuss this?” I asked, feeling weak in the knees.

“Fletcher, I’m twenty-eight years old. My biological clock is ticking.”

Tyler shouted, “You’re such a dick, Aiden. He’s joking, Fletcher. He’s had a couple of beers and now he thinks he’s hilarious.”

“Nice. Ha-ha,” I said.

“Sorry. I’m sorry,” Aiden murmured into his phone. “Were you hoping for a private conversation?”