Page 85 of Forfeits

“Listen. Lucy is healthy, and she’s come a long way since…since Daniel’s death, right? You told me that.”

I shrugged. “Yeah. We both have. But I don’t think I’m over it.”

“Of course, you’re not. Neither is Lucy. Neither of you will ever be over it. It’s a lifelong process, dealing with that kind of grief. Ask me how I know.”

My gaze flashed to his. I didn’t want to ask him at that moment, but I could see that he’d suffered a major loss at some point.

“You may be only one guy, but you have the heart of two men. You hold all of Daniel’s love for you and Lucy inside you. She needs that, more than she needs a new pet or a different place to live.”

I blinked rapidly, overcome by emotion. “Think so?”

“Yeah. I do. Come here, you old softie,” he muttered, pulling me close and kissing the top of my head like I was the child. “You know you can let go with me…in all kinds of ways.”

“Thank you, Aiden. You don’t know how much I appreciate having you here while this is going on. If I didn’t have you, I’d—”

“You’d be strong, and you’d be fine. But I’m glad to be here to lend my comfort and strength.”

* * * *

When Aiden dropped me at home after a delicious brunch, the place seemed super empty, even with the dogs there.

“Well, guys, Lucy will be back after supper. Until then, it’s just me.”

Cocoa, my old girl, gazed at me with sad eyes and gave a little growl.

“Yeah. I know.”

She made a mournful, whiny noise and laid down with her muzzle between her paws, then huffed a long sigh.

“They got Lucy a kitten,” I said, talking to Cocoa and Eddie. “A fucking kitten. Can you believe that?”

Eddie yipped and wagged his tail, as if the idea were outrageous.

“Right? Lucy’s a sucker for baby animals. They know that.”

Cocoa growled low in her throat.

“But we’re not going to let that bother us, are we? She loves us. All of us. It’s not like she’d abandon us for a new baby, just because it’s tiny and adorable,” I said, my conviction wavering.

The dogs looked at me. I looked at them.


* * * *

When I got to Brian and Annie’s to get Lucy, she insisted on having me come in to meet the new kitten.

“Okay, sure. But we can’t stay long.”

“Hello, Fletcher,” Annie said, barely able to conceal a smug little smile. “How are you?”

“Just dandy, Annie, thanks for asking,” I said, trying to sound better than I felt.

“That’s good. Lucy was awfully surprised by our little gift.”

“I’m sure she was, Annie. What a lovely thought. Strange that you wouldn’t just bring it to our place, though.”

Her smile faded. “I think there are more than enough animals at your place,” she said, as Lucy passed me the black and white kitten to hold.