Page 76 of Forfeits

I laughed and followed him with a wave to Patrick.

Patrick had the most adorably happy expression on his face, which I took to mean he was glad to see me enjoying myself above and beyond being Lucy’s dad. I appreciated his goodwill. But now I needed to stop thinking about Lucy or Patrick or anyone but Aiden.

We keyed our way into the Bordello and locked the door behind us. The place smelled of lemon disinfectant, which was comforting and reassured me that everything was kept free of germs and contaminants.

“Do you think they use one of those blue light detectors to see what needs to be cleaned in here?” I said.

Aiden smiled. “Hmm. I don’t know. I’ll have to ask.”

“But not right now.”

“No, not right now. Right now, I have other things on my mind.” Aiden looked at me with an expression of unadulterated lust that became contemplation as he put his finger to his chin. “Hold on.”

“Do you want me to…take my clothes off?”

“Yes, yes. Do that,” Aiden said, giving me a cheery look.

I laughed, feeling giddy with expectation. I didn’t pay attention to what Aiden was doing, but by the time I’d taken off my clothes, he was back and holding out a pretty red silk kimono with what looked like a giant purple koi fish embroidered on the back. “Here.”

I smiled in response to the unexpected gesture. Aiden helped me get my arms into it then pulled it closed and tied the sash with a different kind of knot.

“It’s quick release,” he said with a wink.

“Ah. Goody.”

“Fletcher, how do you address me in this room?”

“I’m sorry, Sir.”

“I’m going to blindfold you.”

“Yes, Sir.”

He approached me with the black cloth and covered my eyes, then tied it behind my head.

“Give me your hands.”

I crossed my hands at my lower back, and Aiden wrapped them with soft rope and bound them. I found myself drifting, even now, into that space of submission and acquiescence that seemed so much a part of me—a space where I could forget everything else and concentrate on simply being alive and serving someone in this particular way.

“Remember your safeword?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“What is it?”


“Good. That’s for later. I want to gag you. Do you consent?”

“Yes, Sir,” I said. “But how do I…?”

“If you need to safe-out, turn your head from side to side in a ‘no’ motion. Fast, so I can distinguish it from head rolling.”

“Yes, Sir.”

I heard him moving around, then something hard pressed against my lips.
