“I see.” He sighed. “I was hoping we wouldn’t have to go that far.”
“What? Did you think I’d just hand her over? Are you fucking kidding me?”
Brian lifted his hands. He continued, keeping his voice low. “You seem overwhelmed, Fletcher. Maybe it would be better for you if we looked after Lucy full-time. You’d have total access, of course, and she could stay with you on some weekends, just like she’s been doing with us.”
I didn’t even know how to respond to that. “I’ll see you on Sunday.”
He gave me a nod and closed the door.
My stress had just gone up another three levels, even though the lawyer had reassured me that I’d win if they took the matter to the courts. The problem was, I didn’t want to put Lucy through that. Lucy loved her grandparents, and she loved me. I couldn’t even comprehend the damage that a full-on legal battle between us would have on her mental health.
I called Aiden from the car on the Bluetooth connection.
“I’m going to have a fucking coronary, and they’ll get custody because Lucy will lose her only other parent. I’m on my way home.”
“Try to calm down. We’re going to have a fantastic weekend.”
“Jesus, I hope so.”
* * * *
When I got home, I felt better. The little bit of frantic tidying I’d done had made a difference, and I felt like the house looked like a typical family home now. Maybe even better than typical? I couldn’t be the only single parent who let things slide now and then.
In spite of everything, I was glad Lucy was with Brian and Annie for the weekend. I was prepared to bury my worry for the time being, so I could let Aiden distract me in the ways he knew best.
Aiden showed up about an hour later with an extra-large Vegetarian pizza, which he’d already cleared with me.
I took the pizza from him and put it on the stove, then crashed against him in a desperate attempt to distract myself from everything. A conflagration of need and desire flowed between us, and I lost myself in its urgency.
“Is this ever going to get old?” I gasped against his mouth.
“God, I hope not. And if it does, we’ll just have to get kinkier.”
“I’m on board with that,” I said, cupping his chin and grabbing at his pretty lips with mine. “How are you so fucking gorgeous?”
“Good jeans,” he breathed, grabbing my belt loops and pulling me in. “Get it?” He smiled against my mouth.
I groaned, feeling the insistent probing of his tongue in every part of my body.
“Fuck, I need you—right the fuck now,” I panted.
“Well, you can have me—right the fuck now,” Aiden said, pulling back and whipping off his T-shirt. His nipples—a dusky rose color—were pebbled and hard. I reached out to touch one, and he gave me an incendiary look and led me toward the stairs.
“I assume your bedroom is this way?”
“You assume correctly,” I said. “Turn right at the top, and it’s the last door.”
“Aren’t you coming with me?” he asked with a playful lilt.
“Of course. Lead the way.”
Aiden turned and walked up the stairs, showing off his tight as hell ass in a pair of snug track pants. I was glad he’d gone casual tonight. It was a nice change for us. I still had my jeans and work shirt on, but I was ready to either get naked or change into pajama pants.
Aiden gave me a salacious glance. “Hey, do you want to fuck me?”
I stumbled at the thought of it. “I’m glad you didn’t ask me that on the stairs.”
“Do you, Fletcher? Because I’m into it if you are.”