Page 110 of Forfeits

“I know that. But maybe what they’re feeling isn’t rational.”

I frowned. “It sounds like you’re on their side.”

“I’m not. Fletcher, I’m just trying to look at this from their perspective. I happen to think it’s horrible, what they’re putting you through.”

I nodded. “For Christ’s sake they’re acting like she’s an orphan or that I’m incapable of raising her properly.”

He gave me an indignant look. “We both know that’s bullshit. And somehow, you have to help them see that they aren’t going to win this, and that it’s going to hurt Lucy to try to take her away from you.”

I nodded. “Right. I suppose we could have them for dinner?”

It was actually a joke, but Aiden didn’t laugh or smile.

“I think that’s a great idea.”

I sobered. “You and me?”

He held up his hands. “I’d only be here to support you, to make sure they weren’t bullying you and overriding you.”

“I don’t know.”

Would they even agree to come?

“You invite them for dinner. Get Patrick—or Robin—to take Lucy out for a special treat. Don’t even mention me. But I’ll be here, helping with the cooking and everything.”

I grinned, feeling better to have sneaky Aiden on my side. “Oh. That’s diabolical.”

“You don’t think they’d turn around and leave, do you?” he asked.

“I have no fucking idea. But I feel like we should try. If the three of us can talk about this rationally, maybe there’s a chance to avoid hurting Lucy. I’m more than willing to give them more time with her. That would honestly help me out.”


I shrugged. “It’s worth a try. And if it still goes to court, I can blame Annie and Brian for Lucy’s trauma.”

“Oh, Fletcher. I’m so sorry.”

“I never thought, in a million years, that Daniel’s parents would ever want to hurt me like this…or their granddaughter,” I said. “And, no offense, but just as I’m starting to recover from the shock and unfairness of Daniel’s death, when I finally think I can possibly move on, I find myself wishing once again that he’d never died. And I know it’s pointless, because I can’t change my circumstances, but it just makes everything so damn confusing, because I feel so lucky to have you in my life, Aiden. You don’t understand what you’ve done for me. What our relationship means to me.”

He gave me a look that expressed his own vulnerabilities and emotion.

I continued. “It’s not all about the kink, you know.”

He smiled and reached out for my hand. I gave it to him.

“I know.”

“Even though, a lot of it is about the kink. Can we talk about that last session?”

Aiden groaned. “Yes! I’m glad it went so well. I wasn’t sure how you’d react.”

“I can honestly say that that isn’t something I ever did with Daniel. And that makes it super special and new and…I think that’s what I needed. To know that…to know that my submissive, kinky side is alive and well and didn’t end up buried with him.”

My voice broke on those last words, and Aiden pulled me into his arms.

“It didn’t. It definitely didn’t.”

“No. And apparently, it likes to play horsey,” I said, my cheeks burning.