Page 12 of A Mountain to Climb

“But what about . . .”

“Just be his Old Lady already. Jeeze Louise, you old people suck at this stuff.” Mountain and I both look to see Connor standing in the hall.

“Connor!” Mountain hollers at him.

“What?” he asks, crossing his arms. “It’s true!”

“Get back in your room! I don’t wanna see you until morning.”

“Whatever,” Connor replies, and the door slams shut.

“See! He even says you should agree.” Mountain tugs on our still-linked hands.

I don’t think I’m going to win this fight. Then again, being his Old Lady may just be the reason fate brought me here. Maybe coming here was all about me finding him. “Fine! I give in. I’ll be your Old Lady.” But I don’t look at him as I say it, keeping my eyes on our hands.

“Blue, look at me, please.” I’ve heard him call me that a few times but ignored it until now. “Do you know what it means for me to call you Blue?”

Looking up into his rich chocolate eyes, I reply, “It’s my club name. Everyone will call me that instead of my real name.”

“That’s right. As far as the club’s concerned, Blue is your real name. Calling you that is them showing respect to both of us.”

“Wow.” So much meaning for four letters.

“I need you to come outside with me.” He pulls me to the door and I hesitantly follow along.

“Why do we need to go outside? I’m not dressed appropriately to be out here. What if someone comes out and sees me?” I’m only wearing one of Mountain’s super extra-large t-shirts and a pair of his boxers. I have plenty of pajamas, but he insisted I wear his clothes if I’m sleeping in his bed.

“No one will come out here. I told everyone to use the front door if they need to come outside tonight.” Well, that was thoughtful of him—depending on what he has up his sleeve.

Mountain walks us around the picnic table and pulls me down to sit next to him on the bench. “I don’t know how to start, so I’m just gonna tell you why I wanted us here.” He nods, I think more to himself than me. “This is where we sat when I realized you were someone I wanted to get to know. I touched your hand and our past connection faded away in an instant. I think that’s what the jolt we felt was. Anything that happened in my past went away and your heart stole a piece of mine.”

I don’t know when I started to cry, but he uses his thumb to wipe a few tears away from my cheek. His right hand goes to the inside pocket of his cut and he pulls something out. I learned very quickly that his vest is actually called a cut, a mistake not to be made again.

“I like this spot,” I laugh through my tears.

“It’s been my favorite spot since I built this cabin.”

“You still haven’t said why we’re out here so late. Couldn’t this wait until morning?”

“Nope. This is where we first kissed. It has to happen here.”

I’m so confused. “What does?”

“This.” He uncurls his fingers and I see a surprisingly large solitaire diamond ring, set on a rose gold band, laying in the palm of his hand. “This was my mom’s.”

I stand up, taking a step back. “What’s that?” I’m not sure I’m even awake right now. Maybe I fell asleep on the couch and this is all a dream.

“When I said I want you to be my Old Lady, I meant I want everything. I want you to be my wife.” He pinches the ring between his index finger and thumb, holding it out in my direction. “Will you marry me, Blue? Please?”

I’m not sure what comes over me, but I just blurt out, “I love you!”

That sets him into loud, unrestrained laughter. Mountain stands up to join me. “I love you too, Blue. That’s why I need you to be my wife, and sooner than later.”

I find his eyes in the light shining from the porch and see that he’s smiling so damn wide. My mind is spinning with so many thoughts, but they’re all happy and have everything to do with this man standing in front of me. Why not marry him and be happy every day?


“Yes?” Now he’s stunned.