“Not them. They, of course, can use a key.”

“Where’s my key? Because I’m not feeling so pure of heart.” Not when I was contemplating theft.

“You won’t need it.” She gripped my forearm, and I winced. “The door will open for you. But remember, once you’re inside, don’t touch anything except the lamp, and leave as soon as you have it in your possession. Bring it to me first thing tomorrow morning, and the rest of the weekend is yours. You can find the healer after that.”

No one stood in this hallway or outside the door. You’d think the place would be bristling with guards, that they’d shoot me on sight.

I crept closer, looking for a trap. Where was the moat to fall into, the fire-breathing dragons to incinerate me, or the weapons that would shoot poison-tipped arrows my way?


At the door, I grimaced and reached for the knob, expecting a shock that would drop me to my knees.

My fingers gripped it easily, and I swore the metal warmed before going cool once more. The knob turned easily. There was something wrong with all this, but I couldn’t figure it out. Maybe I’d come across traps inside.

I eased the panel open and poked my head inside, sensing no one within the dark room. I slipped in and carefully shut the door, pressing my back against it while my heart pounded so loudly, they must’ve heard it in the ballroom.

“Hello?” I slapped my hand over my mouth the second I spoke. The last thing I needed to do was announce myself.

Hello, hello, hello . . . My voice echoed back at me, and goosebumps rippled across my skin.

A chime rang out, and muted lights erupted overhead, outlining me where I clung to the door.

I nearly dropped to my knees as I took in the enormous room full of piles and piles of treasure. So much, that it would take a legion eons to count it all. Golden coins sparkled, and chalices sat on tables and even on the floor, brimming with jewels. With wide eyes, I stared at the gilded chests overflowing with the finest silk, the golden furniture fit for a king, and the plush carpets underfoot woven from what looked like pure silver and bronze.

What would happen if I touched anything else? There was enough wealth here that I could stuff a handful of coins inside my pocket, and no one would miss it. Two handfuls would set me and Lana up for life. Three, and I could help my friends and neighbors, something I’d always wanted to do but couldn’t imagine how when I could barely provide for myself.

I wanted to sob at the wonder here in this room. This was more wealth than any family could spend in a thousand lifetimes, and it sat here when it could instead feed the poor in the village. Pay for everyone to get an education. Build a mansion where orphans like me and Lana could grow up in safety and have a better life than the one we’d lived on the streets.

With all this, they could make sure no one ever had to die from a simple disease.

Nothing here was mine, however, not even the lamp, so it wasn’t hard to make my way carefully through the room without touching anything. Did I long to take a jewel here and there or a golden necklace? Of course.

But touching anything felt wrong.

I had no choice but to step on the carpets, but as I threaded my way between one glittering pile of splendor after another, I kept my skirt tucked close to my legs and my fingers to myself.

“Lamp, lamp,” I whispered, peering around. “Where are you?”

A light flashed on the opposite side of the room, winking out as quickly as it had appeared.

“That would be too simple, now wouldn’t it?” I made my way carefully in that direction, marveling again about the treasure surrounding me.

Maybe it wasn’t real. The gold could be paint, the jewels made of glass. And the gold on the gilded furniture might flake off if I touched it. So I told myself. It was much easier to pretend all that glittered wasn’t gold than to allow the sight of this wealth to sink into my skin.

At the end of the room, I approached a high dais where I’d seen the light. I had no reason to believe the lamp would actually respond to my question, but there was no harm in looking there. If I didn’t find it, I’d continue to explore. I’d come across it eventually, though why anyone would place a beat-up lamp among this treasure confused me. What value did such a thing contain that it needed to be hidden away?

Although, it wasn’t exactly hidden. The door was unlocked. Anyone could stroll in and steal whatever they pleased.

A bang rang out on the opposite side of the room, and with my heart on fire, I scooted over to the far wall and ducked down behind an enormous golden throne.

“Fill your bags and be quick about it,” someone hissed.

I peered through the gap between the throne’s legs, watching as two men crept into the room, their eyes as wide as mine.

“What first?” the second one asked. “All this treasure and no guards in sight. Let’s fill our pockets while we’re here too. We’ll carry whatever we can. Someone messed up, and they won’t leave a place like this unlocked again.”

“Be quick about it. As you said, they made a mistake. If this was my treasure room, I’d make sure whoever left the door unlocked lost his head.”