“Of course you couldn’t,” I mocked in a deep voice. “You just so happened to decide to rub off the dust yourself.”
Her dimpled chin lifted, and her amber eyes snapped with fire. “I did.”
Trying to project boredom when I oddly enough wasn’t feeling the emotion, I studied her frame, taking in her thick, deep brown hair that gleamed in the golden light I projected with my hand, her curvy body with wide hips and generous breasts, and her heart-shaped face I ached to stroke with my fingertips—a sentiment I wasn’t at all happy about.
“Let’s get on with this, shall we? What are your wishes?” I snapped. I needed to fulfill her demands before I did something foolish like dropping to my knees and kissing her palms. “Shall it be a chest full of jewels? Enough silk gowns to fill a ballroom? Diamond necklaces to string around your pretty neck?”
Her frown reappeared. “You think I’m pretty?”
“I didn’t say that.”
“Yes, you did. More than once.”
“I didn’t.” I tugged on my white satin tunic and smoothed my palms on the cursed gold-trimmed harem pants I always appeared in. Within my own quarters, I wore what I chose, which was more often than not, nothing. Who did I need to dress for except myself? “It doesn’t matter what I think of you. Three wishes. Name them.”
Her head tilted, and she studied my face. “I can wish for whatever I want?”
“Are you asking to use one of your wishes to gain an answer to your question?”
She flopped back on the bed, grinning. “My word. It’s really true. I’ve only vaguely heard about genies, and that was in fairy tales. Now you’re going to grant me three wishes!”
I flipped my hand her way, not liking how my heart tripped over itself at her smile. “Get to it, my dear.”
“You know you sound like a grandfather when you call me my dear. A creepy old grandfather.”
My growl ripped out. “I’m anything but your grandfather.”
“You’ve suggested you’re very old.”
“I don’t age,” I barked.
“No need to be snippy about it.”
I huffed.
“Never fear,” she said. “You’re much too gorgeous for me to take you as a grandfather.”
It was my turn to be stunned. “You truly think I’m gorgeous?”
“Doesn’t everyone?”
I shook my head. “Stop distracting me. Three wishes. Now. Then I can get back to my workout.”
“I wish for you to cure my sister, Lana.”
“I’m deeply sorry, but there are rules.” I ticked them off on my fingers. “No curing anyone’s sickness.”
Her shoulders sagged. “That’s a horrible rule.”
“I don’t make the rules; I just abide by them.” I lifted my brows. “No directly harming or killing any living being.”
“That makes sense even if it’s something I’d never ask for.”
“No altering the course of destiny or manipulating time.”
She nodded.
“No making someone fall in love with you.”