But Korben could only hope that he’d still have enough of an appetite when he met up with Michael later that evening for dinner – after all, the last thing Korben wanted was a spanking for not eating his greens!
‘So, what do you think?’ Michael asked, holding the door to Pizza The Action open and allowing Korben to walk in ahead of him.
‘I think… I love it!’ Korben said, skipping with glee as the smell of hot pizza wafted in the air. ‘I was expecting something a lot more… fancy and formal. But this place looks so cool!’
‘I’m glad you like it,’ Michael said, smiling. ‘It’s true that I like the finer things in life, but I can be a fun guy too. Pizza The Action is my favorite place to get food in the whole city. Not all Princeford alumni are full of themselves, you know.’
Korben took a moment to take in the sights and sounds around his.
With an open kitchen area bustling with action and the sound of pop-rock blaring over the speaker system, there was certainly a great atmosphere. But what really got Korben excited was the selection of games on offer…
‘Ms. Pacman!’ Korben squealed, running over to the retro arcade game. ‘Whack A Mole too!’
‘Yeah, we’ve got pretty much everything here,’ Michael said, a smile on his face.
‘When you say we, does that mean…’ Korben said, putting two and two together.
‘Let’s just say I helped Pizza The Action get off the ground,’ Michael said, putting his arm around Korben’s shoulder. ‘But it’s a great business and would have flourished either way. I just knew I needed a slice of the action…’
‘Urgh! Daddy joke alert!’ Korben giggled, blushing as he realized that he was directly addressing the fact that Michael was a Daddy.
While Korben had called Michael Daddy during the spanking, to do so now was different somehow. This was a dinner date, or business meeting, or kind of both. Korben wasn’t sure entirely. But Korben knew that calling Michael a Daddy was both exciting for him, and clearly nice for Michael too…
‘Well, you can expect a lot more where that joke came from,’ Michael laughed. ‘I’m not exactly Chris Harrison but when it comes to Daddy jokes, I’ve got a back catalogue that would reach from here right the way back to my place.’
Korben giggled with delight and set about controlling Ms. Pacman and guiding her across the digital maze. The feeling of having Michael standing next to him and watching his every move was nice too. Korben could sense that Michael was just as into the game as he was, and it was good to see that Michael had a genuine interest in something other than making money.
‘Okay, I think it’s time to let Ms. Pacman get her breath back,’ Michael said. ‘We’ve got some pizza to eat. And trust me, you’re going to want to try as many different slices as you can.’
‘Yay! I can’t wait!’ Korben said, his face full of glee.
Korben had a feeling that the evening was going to go from strength to strength. With a huge selection of games to play and different pizza toppings to experience, Korben didn’t imagine that they would be leaving Pizza The Action any time soon.
But that did leave Korben pondering one question…
When we do leave, will we be going home together?
Chapter 8
Michael enjoyed his final triple-spiced pizza slice at Pizza The Action so much that he ordered a box of them to take home with him. Eating day old pizza was a guilty pleasure for Michael. As someone who was used to enjoying the infer things in life, he still held an enormous affection for living like he did in his early twenties from time to time.
But what was even better than his takeout box of pizza was the fact that he was accompanied home by Korben…
‘This is exactly how I pictured it,’ Korben said, a knowing smile on his face as he stood in Michael’s impressively designed but somewhat overly cool kitchen. ‘You need a little help with making it more cozy, though.’
‘Oh I do, do I?’ Michael asked, arching his eyebrow. ‘And would you have any idea of who might be the person to fit that role?’
Korben giggled and Michael opened up his twin refrigerator to put the pizza box inside. ‘These will taste great in the morning. You’ll have to take my word for that.’
‘Oh, I know how good next-day pizza slices are,’ Korben said, running his fingers across the granite worksurface in the middle of Michael’s kitchen. ‘When I was at law school I lost count of the amount of all-nighters I pulled studying with my friends. We’d order pizza and end up finishing the last slices at seven in the morning sometimes.’
‘Cute,’ Michael replied, smiling. ‘You know, I wanted to say how impressive it is that you had the courage of your convictions to ditch law and follow your passion. Seriously, so many people would never dare to do that.’
Korben blushed and flashed Michael the most beautiful smile.
Michael and Korben both knew where this situation was headed. There could be absolutely no doubt about that now. But Michael being the logical, stern businessman that he was, he had to be absolutely sure that it was the right thing to do.