We steered the boat up to a small cove, where Maxon turned off the engine and dropped anchor.
The cove was silent, except for the sound of the waves lapping the shore.
Maxon and Cillian watched me as I stood, staring them down, my hand on the gun on my back. Neither one of us moved, until, finally, “How far are you willing to go to kill Saul?" He didn’t mince words.
Not here.
No more games.
Tonight, everything was on the table.
I also knew that if I didn't answer things to his satisfaction, I wouldn't return.
The image permanently impressed into my mind, the one that appeared every time I closed my eyes, the one that would never go away—Nana. Cold, eyes lifeless, vomit around her mouth. Dead. "How far do you need me to go?"
Maxon took me in, and I felt the stare of Cillian's burning gaze on my side. Finally, after a long moment, Maxon nodded.
"You said you were willing to do anything--"
"I didn’t--" I protested, but he cut me off.
“You got into the boat. That was a commitment."
I swallowed down my protest and, instead, nodded. “I did.”
"From here on out, everything we do together stays between us and the stars above. No one can know what we're doing. I'm putting my life in your hands, do you understand me?"
I was taken aback by his words. He was taking a risk by bringing me here? Blinking, I swallowed my surprise, then nodded. "Understood."
Cillian joined the conversation, coming to stand next to Maxon. "We need you to reach out to your contacts in Vegas."
I panicked. My throat suddenly tight. Anger surging through me, I growled out. "How did you know about them?”
"We know a lot of things. I'm trusting you with my life, I wouldn't have done that without some...assurances...of my own. Just as I'm trusting you with my life, your life is also in my hands."
"Why haven't you gone to Saul with this information?” If he knew about my contacts in Vegas, then he knew the truth about me. The whole truth.
"Because, your history, and your plans for Saul are none of my concern."
"It should be. You are Saul's head of security."
"I have my own agenda, things you don't need to know about. What you do need to know is, I need something from you. And what I need from you is more important than the job the Veritas has entrusted me with."
"What makes you think I would have any desire to reach out to Vegas?”
"I think, once you know what we're dealing with, you'll be happy to do it.”
“I’m willing to take that chance." Maxon replied with a shrug, his meaning unspoken but clear all the same. Otherwise, I’ll just kill you and get on with it.
I nodded. "Show me then."
Maxon went first, easily jumping over the side of the boat and into the water.
I felt Cillian at my back as I followed suit, my boots wet with salt water, my body cold from my drenched hair and clothes, even though the rain had now calmed to a drizzle.
A foreboding feeling washed over me as we walked up the rocky shore and into a large, dark opening of a cave.